Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Corporations- Free To Destroy Oceans By Plastic

     Every time it seems that it cannot get any worse regarding humans poisoning and destroying the planet with plastics and other oil based non biodegradable contaminants, out comes more bad news. It is not enough that millions of pounds of plastics and other oil based non biodegradable contaminants enter the oceans daily. Now it turns out that billions of nurdles, small pieces of plastic used to produce plastic products, are lost every year from the production and supply chain, ending up in rivers, lakes and the oceans.
      Much of the plastic destroying the lands and oceans are plastic products that cannot be recycled. And even much of the plastic that can be recycled continues to pour into the oceans daily. In 1969, at the first national conference on packaging waste held in California, it was decided that the consumer was responsible for where plastic waste ends up, not the manufacturers, fabricators and distributors of plastic.
      Many corporations, some of which are extremely wealthy, do not bear the true cost of what they produce, fabricate and distribute. The public at large does. The corporations get rich, and humanity and the environment suffers. Now that wildlife is dying the world over from plastic, now that the oceans are being destroyed, now that human health is adversely affected, will the producers, fabricators and distributors of plastic products finally be held accountable?

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