Friday, January 11, 2019

Political, Economic and Religious Authorities That Keep Millions In Poverty and Desperation

      There are many countries where regardless of how bright, talented, and capable a person might be, they are condemned to a life of grinding poverty, unemployment or underemployment and low wages. A small number of extremely rich people control virtually everything. Almost the entire rest of the population lives in poverty or near to it.
       The political, religious and economic structures in place support the continuation of mass poverty and wasted lives. 
        Grueling poverty, wasted talent, no opportunity, drives many to do anything they can to escape the countries of their birth. No matter how many escape, nothing changes. The political, economic and religious powers that rule put their own interests and pocketbooks first. They may feign concern and throw some crumbs to the poor, but they are the very forces keeping people downtrodden.

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