Sunday, March 22, 2020

Hate Is Deadlier Than Coronavirus, Including AntiSemitism

Antisemites blame Jews for causing everything bad and for benefiting from everything bad that happens in the world.

A sheikh with a large following blames Israel and Jews for the coronavirus pandemic. The sheikh believes Jews caused the coronavirus and are benefiting from it. In the real world, not the delusional world of a Jew obsessed antisemite, coronavirus is harming all nations, all peoples. No one is immune.

Unlike certain lunatics that can easily be found on social media that are clearly unhinged in their hatred for Jews, this sheik, an elderly man, an aged bigot, is polished and smooth in his antisemitic presentations. The sheep like people that follow his every word act as if they are listening to God or Allah itself.

There is no virus on the planet that equals the killing power of hate and bigotry.

An entire nation followed blindly a Jew hating lunatic. When WW2 was over, with over 50 million dead, Europe in ruins, millions permanently disabled and crippled, the lessons of where hate leads have still not been learned.

During this time of world crisis, as people think about coronavirus and how to respond, perhaps  thought will be given to the far more deadly virus of bigotry and hate. In the nuclear weapons age, with all of its advanced weaponry, mankind edges towards a place from where it can never return.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Coronavirus, Incompetent Government's Failure To Test

There is no excuse for the failure to provide widespread testing for the coronavirus in the United States. The failure is local in many places, and it is national. A government that spends trillions bailing out big business, provides rich people with even more tax breaks so they can become even richer, spends billions on warships and other war material that are not needed and will never be used, should have had the decency to mobilize in time to meet the crisis and provide, at the very least, for free, widespread coronavirus testing.

In one large county in Florida, even though hundreds of thousands of people live in the county, and tens of thousands live in the county's main city, only 40 free coronavirus test are provided daily. 40 tests for hundreds of thousands of people, not including the thousands upon thousands of visitors and tourists in the area. In this time of crisis, many local and national leaders prove their incompetence.

To top it off, there are senators, congressmen and congresswomen, having inside information about how the virus would impact the economy, that sold off millions of dollars of their stock holdings before the crash.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Coronavirus Panic Will Kill More Than Virus Itself If Left Unchecked

If panic continues, there will be far worse consequences than what coronavirus in and of itself brings. Some people try to profit from the misery that the virus brings. Some are hoarding supplies, unconcerned about the needs of others. Others are jacking up prices, unconcerned about the people left behind that cannot afford to pay for food and medicine.

In many developing countries where there are high rates of poverty, poor people already found it hard to obtain the basic necessities of life. The cost of basic essentials, like rice and other staples, have now risen in price beyond their ability to pay because of the coronavirus. Lock downs are adding to food shortages.

The more there is panic, the less there will be for impoverished people.

If panic continues uncontrolled, famine will result in a number of poverty stricken third world countries.

Panic leads to food shortages. For the many millions living day to day, burdened by extreme poverty, this crisis is already proving deadly. Coronavirus panic has caused a run on food and medicine, leaving the poor even more behind in poverty stricken nations.

The priority must not only be defeating the virus. The priority must also be ensuring no starvation  while the coronavirus afflicts the world.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Coronavirus: 3rd World Poverty And The United States

Many people in developed nations, including in the United States, are unaware or are oblivious to the mass poverty that exists in much of the world. Hundreds of millions of people, even billions, live in shacks or less, or are homeless on the streets of crowded third world cities. Many do not have  electricity or running water. They do not have access to clean water and proper food. Medical and dental care care are completely lacking.

Even without coronavirus, these countries are completely unable to provide for the well being and care of their citizens. How much worse if coronavirus or something else turns into a true epidemic.

Americans of all races, religions and ethnicity need to count their blessings. In this time of crisis, the truly needy of the world face a dark storm. Hopefully they will not face it alone.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Small Minded, Bigoted Sheikh Blames Jews For Coronoavirus

A cleric, a Sheikh, with thousands of subscribers and followers on YouTube and elsewhere, has been blaming the coronavirus on Jews and Israel. Weaklings need someone to hate.

Weaklings need the Jew to hate.

Cowards need the Jew.

It was not enough that Hitler taught the world where this hate leads. It all has to start over again, it seems. Except this time, where this hate leads will not be just a Europe destroyed, with over 50 million people killed. This time, in the modern age, with advanced weapons including nuclear weapons, the road to where hate leads will make WW2 pale in comparison.

Coronavirus, or any harmful virus, is a threat to all human life. A bigot clothed in religion attracts an easy following by going after the Jew. If only mankind would wake up to the virus of scapegoating, the virus of hate, that has already costs hundreds of millions of lives during the course of human history. Hate in the nuclear age threatens the very existence of human life.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Racism Of Excusing People For Being Racists And Bigots

Any human being can be a racist. Any human being can be a narrow minded hate filled bigot.

The idea that some races can be racist while others cannot is a childish attempt to evade responsibility. It makes one race appear weak and dependent and incapable of responsibility. It is racist to exclude any human being from the responsibility to not be a hate filled ignorant bigot.

Men and women can hate. Plenty of men and women do hate. Instead of finding excuses for someone to hate, it is better to hold people responsible for their own bigotry and hate, no matter their station in life, no matter their race, religion or ethnicity.

Combat Coronavirus By Ensuring Testing And Treatment Availability

Many people have no insurance or are under insured. Medical care is expensive in the United States, and those without insurance or that are under insured often lose everything they have from medical costs.

Many people will avoid going to a doctor and seeking medical care, even as the coronavirus spreads, out of concern for the financial costs of seeking treatment. This will only help the virus spread even more. 

The best thing the government can do is to apply a set fee for the testing and evaluation for coronavirus, and then cover the cost. In this way, people will not be reluctant to get tested and seek treatment. This is not a time for greed to kick in. Fair pricing covered by the government will prevent the coronavirus contagion from worsening. Fees paid to medical providers can be adjusted according to the costs of living in different parts of the United States.

Some will argue this smacks of socialism or use some other emotionally charged word that is a negative for many people. But the government has already bailed out big banks and big corporations by the trillions. It can afford to ensure that people are properly treated and that the virus does not spread unnecessarily. Medical care for the testing and treatment of coronavirus must be made available to everyone.