Thursday, March 5, 2020

Combat Coronavirus By Ensuring Testing And Treatment Availability

Many people have no insurance or are under insured. Medical care is expensive in the United States, and those without insurance or that are under insured often lose everything they have from medical costs.

Many people will avoid going to a doctor and seeking medical care, even as the coronavirus spreads, out of concern for the financial costs of seeking treatment. This will only help the virus spread even more. 

The best thing the government can do is to apply a set fee for the testing and evaluation for coronavirus, and then cover the cost. In this way, people will not be reluctant to get tested and seek treatment. This is not a time for greed to kick in. Fair pricing covered by the government will prevent the coronavirus contagion from worsening. Fees paid to medical providers can be adjusted according to the costs of living in different parts of the United States.

Some will argue this smacks of socialism or use some other emotionally charged word that is a negative for many people. But the government has already bailed out big banks and big corporations by the trillions. It can afford to ensure that people are properly treated and that the virus does not spread unnecessarily. Medical care for the testing and treatment of coronavirus must be made available to everyone.

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