Monday, March 9, 2020

Small Minded, Bigoted Sheikh Blames Jews For Coronoavirus

A cleric, a Sheikh, with thousands of subscribers and followers on YouTube and elsewhere, has been blaming the coronavirus on Jews and Israel. Weaklings need someone to hate.

Weaklings need the Jew to hate.

Cowards need the Jew.

It was not enough that Hitler taught the world where this hate leads. It all has to start over again, it seems. Except this time, where this hate leads will not be just a Europe destroyed, with over 50 million people killed. This time, in the modern age, with advanced weapons including nuclear weapons, the road to where hate leads will make WW2 pale in comparison.

Coronavirus, or any harmful virus, is a threat to all human life. A bigot clothed in religion attracts an easy following by going after the Jew. If only mankind would wake up to the virus of scapegoating, the virus of hate, that has already costs hundreds of millions of lives during the course of human history. Hate in the nuclear age threatens the very existence of human life.

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