Saturday, March 14, 2020

Coronavirus: 3rd World Poverty And The United States

Many people in developed nations, including in the United States, are unaware or are oblivious to the mass poverty that exists in much of the world. Hundreds of millions of people, even billions, live in shacks or less, or are homeless on the streets of crowded third world cities. Many do not have  electricity or running water. They do not have access to clean water and proper food. Medical and dental care care are completely lacking.

Even without coronavirus, these countries are completely unable to provide for the well being and care of their citizens. How much worse if coronavirus or something else turns into a true epidemic.

Americans of all races, religions and ethnicity need to count their blessings. In this time of crisis, the truly needy of the world face a dark storm. Hopefully they will not face it alone.

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