Friday, March 20, 2020

Coronavirus, Incompetent Government's Failure To Test

There is no excuse for the failure to provide widespread testing for the coronavirus in the United States. The failure is local in many places, and it is national. A government that spends trillions bailing out big business, provides rich people with even more tax breaks so they can become even richer, spends billions on warships and other war material that are not needed and will never be used, should have had the decency to mobilize in time to meet the crisis and provide, at the very least, for free, widespread coronavirus testing.

In one large county in Florida, even though hundreds of thousands of people live in the county, and tens of thousands live in the county's main city, only 40 free coronavirus test are provided daily. 40 tests for hundreds of thousands of people, not including the thousands upon thousands of visitors and tourists in the area. In this time of crisis, many local and national leaders prove their incompetence.

To top it off, there are senators, congressmen and congresswomen, having inside information about how the virus would impact the economy, that sold off millions of dollars of their stock holdings before the crash.

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