Wednesday, January 20, 2021

New Administration, Same Commitment to Propping Up Stock Markets

 The new administration will do what the previous administration, and many administrations before that have done. Pump up stock markets, print trillions of dollars of money out of thin air, and then wonder in amazement how great the stock market is doing. They will use the tried and true excuse that the "recovery" demands this. One day a price will be paid for this recklessness. Meanwhile, as already stated over and over, in the real world, environmental destruction - the real wealth of the world - continues unabated, ensuring millions upon millions will remain entrenched in poverty. No matter how fanatical and violent the world becomes, no matter how degraded and poverty stricken, no matter the degree to which nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction grow unchecked, the delusional stock market and  those that prop it up will keep growing.

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