Saturday, January 23, 2021

There is No One Right Religion

When humans started forming different religions and beliefs, some of the most aggressive religions and beliefs became the ones that overtook the rest and dominate to this day. A lot of blood has been shed in the name of religion. A lot of blood will continue to be shed. Religion, which should temper the worst instincts, including the propensity towards greed, hate and violence, often does not and instead does the opposite. 

Claims that only a certain religion or belief is the only way to heaven, and everyone that does not hold those beliefs is condemned to hell, needs to be refuted for a number of reasons. It completely dismisses the legitimacy of other religions, thoughts and beliefs. It is completely unproven. Not a single human being has completely died and returned to life that can confirm anything about the existence of God or what there is after death. Faith is not fact. Treating faith as fact can lead to harsh conclusions. Religions forcing themselves down the throats of others out of the belief that they have this right and that only they hold the truth has led to many horrible outcomes. If there is a God, and that god condemns people to hell because they chose the wrong religion or belief during their lifetime, that God would be undeserving of being God. A true God does not lack what humanity as a whole enormously lacks - compassion.

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