The mainstream media long ago ceased to be objective. Instead, it seeks the sensational and everything else that brings in an audience and money. It lies, distorts, and twists the truth.
Then along came social media, and what should have opened the door to critical thinking, objective points of view, and a chance finally for information and opinions to no longer be held in the stranglehold of a few mega corporations and twisted foreign government controlled propaganda outlets.
That is not what happened. Instead, social media corporations were allowed to become monopolies. They destroyed competition. They destroyed businesses. They are destroying free speech and religious freedom. They do not understand the difference between hate speech and speech that promotes violence, and the fair exchange of ideas and legitimate criticism. They protect certain groups and religions, and allow hate to flourish against other groups and religions. They are not objective. They are not fair. They are the Big Brothers that enforce blasphemy, even though the United States is supposed to be a secular democracy. They censor opinions they do not like by pretending that the opinions they do not like promote hate and violence.
They are unaccountable. They do whatever they want. They do the same censoring, indoctrinating and brainwashing that theocratic regimes and dictatorships try to do.
Break up the social media corporations. Do it now before more brainwashing and unfair competition and censorship takes place. Democracies cannot survive political and religious motivated censorship and distortions of information.
Establish independent bodies that determine what is hate speech and incitement to violence and what is legitimate criticism of religious, political, educational, nonprofit, and for profit institutions and entities. Social media corporations must stop being unaccountable censors of content. They must not self police. They have proven themselves incapable of self policing. They allowed hate and violence to spread. Now they are causing hate and violence to spread further by their censorship of legitimate criticism that they, the all powerful Big Brothers, do not like. If Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Hitler, and Goebbels were alive today, they would regret that social media as it now exists was not available during their reigns of terror and eras of brainwashing.
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