Monday, January 18, 2021

Four Major Reasons Social Media Corporations Must Be Regulated

 Here are four major reasons social media corporations and monopolies must be regulated at the very least.

First, they have been unaccountable platforms for hate and violence.

Second, now that they have been trying feebly to reign in some hate and violence after receiving some pressure, they use this as the excuse to censor and silence points of view they do not like that have nothing to do with hate and/or violence.

Third, they allow disinformation to spread not only locally, but globally. 

Fourth, they selectively disseminate information and theology favorable to the spread of one religion, even when some proponents of that religion overtly call for harm against certain others, and censor and silence anyone that opposes that religions' theology. Social media selectively enforces blasphemy. Human rights and freedom are not compatible with blasphemy. To be clear, discrimination against the practitioners of a religion is always wrong. But religious criticism is not the same as discrimination. Free people must never lose the right to reject, criticize, mock and challenge religion, politics, government, and more. 

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