Monday, September 30, 2024

Broken Bodies, Israel And The True Resistance

How many more lives must be destroyed on all sides in order to satiate the bloodlust of those who seek the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jewish people? 

The countries and organizations calling themselves the resistance are the ones seeking the genocide of the Jewish people and destruction of Israel. They honor themselves with this false title.

The resistance are the Israelis. They resist being murdered. They resist being raped. They resist being kidnapped. They resist being tortured and mutilated. They resist the genocidal that they are surrounded by. 

October 7 proved once again that the enemies of Israel will rape, murder, torture, behead, burn alive, kidnap even babies when given half the chance. 

This is not about land or resistance to occupation, colonialism, racism, apartheid, imperialism or anything other than the pursuit of genocide. 

Those words are used to masquerade the true agenda. Hundreds of millions of people, even billions, live on lands that were conquered, that are occupied from the true indigenous people, that are racist, where there is apartheid against women, girls, religious minorities, lands that were and are being colonized, lands where there is genocide, including now in Darfur, lands where the indigenous people have been completely or near completely colonized and occupied, which includes lands all over the middle east, North Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Africa, Asia and elsewhere. No one uses any of this as the excuse to murder except when it comes to Israel. Hypocrisy has become the bedfellow of murder.

October 7 showed the true agenda. 

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