Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Massad, Colombia University, Arab Jews And Genocide

 Murder, raping, wounding thousands of defenseless people, kidnapping hundreds of defenseless people, even a baby, beheading, burning people alive, shooting them point blank range, all of which Hamas and others from Gaza committed on October 7, finds its many defenders.

A perverted morality seeks to change the most basic and fundamental morality that keeps human civilization from completely collapsing, including the prohibition against murder.

This perversion of morality justifies murder, rape, genocide, torture, mutilation, all of which Hamas and others from Gaza committed on October 7. It defends crimes against humanity. Accusing the murdered, and defending the murderers, by the use of the words settlers, colonialism, racism, occupiers, and so on, means anything goes and the murderers and rapists get to do whatever they want. 

The perverted morality does not hold the people they favor responsible for what they do, even when they murder, torture, rape and mutilate. Instead, the perverted morality shifts all blame, all responsibility, onto the people that they scorn. 

The perverted morality tries to obscure the clear lines between acts of murder and casualties of war. 

Those the perverted moralists consider oppressed can commit whatever crimes they want. Those the perverted moralists consider oppressors are blamed even when they are raped, mutilated, tortured and murdered.

Hamas wants genocide. They showed this once again on October 7. Hamas's long history of suicide bombings against defenseless civilians already proved this.

A propagandist professor at Colombia University, allegedly researched the exodus history of Jews from Arab majority lands, whom he calls Arab Jews, and why they fled to Israel. Where there were once millions of Jews living in Arab majority and Muslim majority lands, there are now virtually none.

Perverted morality dictates that history must be twisted so that the despised are always blamed, and the so called oppressed, no matter what crimes they commit, are always held blameless. 

The professor, a defender of the October 7 massacre, ventures into the subject of why Jews fled from Arab majority lands after Israel became a U.N. recognized nation in 1948.

He does not hold responsible Arabs in any way whatsoever for why Jews fled from Arab majority lands, places where many of these Jews and their ancestors had lived for many centuries, even for thousands of years in some places.  

Why Jews fled from Arab majority lands he blames on the Jew. He distorts history and casts blame on the flight of Jews from Arab majority lands onto the Jews that fled from European lands. 

The Jew is consistently the target to blame in the world of perverted morality. Blame the Jew, even when they are raped, murdered, massacred.

There are plenty of Jews still alive today that know firsthand why Jews fled, why they were expelled, their persecution, their exodus from lands all over the middle east, North Africa and Asia, including Yemen, Syria, British controlled Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, and more. There are also millions of the children and grandchildren of the Jews that fled from Arab and Muslim majority lands that know the true history of why their parents or grandparents fled.

Did the professor interview any of them? Did he interview even just one Jew that fled from Arab majority lands and that bears witness as to why? Did he interview even just one of the millions of children or grandchildren of the Jews that were refugees from Arab majority lands and that learned firsthand from their parents or grandparents as to why they fled? 

These Jews and their descendants from Arab majority lands constitute the majority population of Israel. They know why they were expelled or had to escape, why they fled, their history of persecution, massacres, pogroms. They know why they are in Israel. They know full well the dangers for them in places like Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Iraq, Palestinian controlled areas, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and more. They know why they must defend Israel.

There is a difference between scholarship and propaganda.

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