Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Difference Between Greedy Dentists And Greedy Used Car Sales People

 Greedy used car sales people are interested in making a sale, and do not reveal what is wrong with a vehicle even when they know. It is not uncommon for the greedy ones to sell a lemon and pretend it is a well functioning vehicle.

Greedy dentists, of which there is no shortage perform dental work and procedures on people not because it is needed, but because they make money from these procedures.

This is the true story of a woman we will call May. May was told by a dentist that she had a broken tooth that needed a crown, and that if it was not done, the tooth would soon become infected and lost. The dentist also said she had a cavity, even though she saw a dentist 6 months prior and took good care of her teeth. She agreed to fix the alleged cavity, but not the tooth that allegedly needed a crown. 

Afterwards, she was presented with a large bill. "How can one cavity cost so much", was asked. She was told that it was a widespread deep cavity. How was it possible that in six months, she developed such a deep, widespread cavity? Because she had not. The dentist fooled her into believing a stain on the tooth was a cavity.

After several years went by, with routine visits every six months to an honest dentist who told her nothing was wrong with the tooth that supposedly was cracked and needed a crown, it was clear that the dishonest, lying, greedy dentist was wrong and that the honest dentist was right. 

Here is the difference between greedy used car sales people and greedy dentists. With the greedy used car sales person, all that is lost is money and time.

With the greedy, dishonest dentist, money and time are lost, and one more thing far worse. The greedy dentist destroys healthy teeth and healthy gum and tooth tissue that can never be replaced. A filling is never as good as an intact healthy tooth. A crown, besides being expensive, requires a tooth to be grinded down to a pulp that will never equal a healthy tooth or last as long. 

The greedy dentist destroys healthy tissue of the living human being. Even the worst greedy used car sales person does not do this kind of damage.

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