Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Leftists And Progressives' Support For Genocide, Imperialism, Occupation And War Crimes

 Do not be fooled by the moral high ground many leftists and progressives claim. 

Murder, genocide, imperialism, war crimes, occupation, all of this is just fine with them depending strictly on who is doing the murdering, raping, war crimes, imperialism, genocide, apartheids and occupations.

Their moral outrage is defined not by the crimes, but by the identity of the perpetrators. 

They judge people based on their identity, not on their actions.

And thus, in Darfur, where Arab militias have been raping, mass murdering, occupying, committing genocide, against the native black Muslim indigenous population, there is no outcry. Not a single protest. 

On October 7, the mass murder, rape, burning people alive, beheadings, kidnappings even of babies, is denied, justified, even applauded by many, because of the identity of the perpetrators, and the identity of the victims. The left and progressive moral compass is based on identity, and not on what people do.

They do not see human beings. They only see preconceived notions of oppressed and oppressors. Personal responsibility means nothings to them.

They were and are silent about many atrocities, many of them still ongoing. This includes mass murder, atrocities and wars in Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Northern Nigeria, Myanmar, Darfur, and elsewhere, China's persecution of its Muslim minority, persecution of religious minorities and of women and girls in Iran, Afghanistan and elsewhere, just to name a few of the many places where the lives of millions are being destroyed, and where the left and progressives are completely silent.

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