Those that believe in religious imperialism, expanding religion by the sword and murdering, enslaving or subjugating those that believe differently or are of a different religion, are a threat to all of humanity. The religions that are smaller in number in the crosshairs of the religious imperialists, along with the people of all religions on the frontlines where the religious imperialists are active, are at greatest threat.
This blog originated as a futile effort to expose ineffective and harmful programs and practices as it pertains to animal cruelty, dog fighting, animal welfare, wildlife protection and conservation. A number of nonprofit organizations, individuals and others profit handsomely from their exploitation of voiceless populations.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Murdering in The Name Of Religion: What Hamas Supporters Support
As long as the goal remains to destroy Israel and murder its majority population, which happens to be Jewish, there will be no end to the war and suffering.
Hamas murdered, raped and kidnapped defenseless people inside of Israel on October 7, starting a war. Hamas uses the civilians of Gaza as their human shields.
This is not about supporting Israel or not supporting Israel.
It is about denying the right of anyone to murder, no matter the excuses or justifications given.
Untold millions of people believe their religion, their politics, their beliefs, grants them the right to murder.
Unless this reality is finally faced and opposed, there will be no end to the suffering not only for the people of Gaza and Israel and the surrounding areas, but also for the many other people across the world facing violent organizations and nations that believe religion grants them the right to murder, enslave and subjugate.
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Shame On You, Shame On Who? Hamas Cheerleaders
Hamas supporters like screaming shame on you to supporters of Israel, even though it was Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza that entered into Israel on October 7 and raped, kidnapped, murdered, beheaded, burned people alive, mutilated, and wounded thousands of mostly defenseless people of all ages, including babies and children. Hamas broke an existing ceasefire and started a war.
The shame on you screamers find no shame in that.
They find no shame that Hamas started a war, and instead of releasing the remaining hostages, keeps the war going. They find no shame in Hamas and Islamic Jihad using civilians, including children, as their human shields, and using civilian buildings, such as hospitals, schools, mosques, apartment buildings and so forth from which to wage war, store weapons, and hide.
It is not necessary to support Israel or like Israel. But finding no shame in an organization that purposefully goes out and rapes, kidnaps, mutilates and murders civilians, and then wages war using civilians as their human shields, speaks volumes about Hamas supporters.
Millions of civilians, including countless children, have died in the wars in Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, the Congo region, Mali, Northern Nigeria, Myanmar, and many more places, without shame on you voices screaming, or even whispering anywhere.
The ongoing genocide in Darfur, where Arab militias are murdering indigenous black Muslim people and raping women and girls, receives no shame on you calls.
If you cannot blame the Jew, it does not matter how many millions are killed. No one cares.
Why The Houthis Are Heroes to Many
The Houthis are heroes to many not because they vigorously fight against child marriage. In fact, they and their allies, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and others fight for the opposite. They want child marriage. Houthi militiamen also take female children from civilian families into forced marriages with Houthis.
The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because of their treatment of women and respect for women's rights. In fact, it is the opposite.
The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because they protect the environment. It is the opposite, including Houthi deliberate attacks on ships and the damage this does to the Red Sea, coral reefs and environment.
The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because they have done everything they can to promote peace in Yemen. In fact, they have done the opposite. Hundreds of thousands of people have already died because of the war, including thousands upon thousands of children. Many people have been killed by Houthi deliberate attacking and killing civilians in Yemen.
The Houthis and their allies, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iranian regime, Hezbollah, are not heroes because they are at the forefront of an effort to establish peace and co existence with those of a different religion. In fact, they are the opposite. They despise Jews and want them murdered.
The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because they do everything they can to end poverty and the suffering poverty causes. In fact, everywhere they and their allies go, poverty follows and increases.
The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because they have ended malnutrition and starvation in Yemen and elsewhere. In fact, they are the cause of increased malnutrition and starvation with their endless wars and violent fanaticism.
Everywhere the Houthis and their like minded allies go, including Hamas, Iranian regime, Hezbollah and others, there is poverty, corruption, leaders that enrich themselves in the millions and billions from their corruption, leaders that steal foreign aid, violence, war, intolerance towards certain religious minorities, intolerance towards people that believe differently, collapsed governments and economies, misery.
All the Houthis have to do is shoot some rockets into Israel, or send some drones in order to kill some Jews, and all of a sudden they are heroes in the eyes of millions.
Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah; What They Want And What Resistance Means To them
This is not about land, occupation, settlers, or anything else except for one thing.
It is about killing Jews.
They do not hide this. Hamas openly declares in their charter, in their words, and their actions that they exist to kill Jews.
The October 7 massacre inside of Israel - murdering, raping, kidnapping, wounding, beheading, burning people alive, mutilating defenseless people of all ages - is what Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Iranian regime, Hezbollah, and all of their supporters want to achieve over and over.
Hezbollah and the rest like to dress up their genocidal ambitions to murder Jews with lofty words like resistance and martyrdom. When Jews fight back and do not submit to their genocidal ambitions, Hezbollah and the others consider fighting against Jews who do not want to be murdered as resistance. When their brainwashed soldiers die in the effort to commit genocide against the Jews, they consider them martyrs.
The Iranian regime, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and all of the other genocidal murdering thieves that steal from their own people, hide behind civilians that they use as human shields, exist solely to murder Jews and keep their own people brainwashed by uniting them behind an enemy to hate and a false God of gore and violence to worship.
Not facing the truth does not resolve wars and conflicts. This conflict is about murdering Jews. Facing this truth does not mean unconditional support for Israel. It does mean looking the genocidal in the eye and not letting them continue in the footsteps of Hitler.
Sunday, July 14, 2024
The Land Excuse To Murder
There are many that believe that they have the right to murder if they accuse their enemy of stealing their land, no matter how many years, decades or centuries have passed. They assert, you stole our land, so we get to murder you into perpetuity. This is the thinking of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and many others. Even if this claim were true, which it is not, it does not justify murder.
Far more lands were stolen from the Jews of the middle east and North Africa, who with their descendents are the majority population of Israel, than lands lost by Arabs, now called Palestinians, that fled from Israel in 1948 during a time of war when Israel was attacked from all sides, including from within.
The lands of Jews and of many other people throughout the world have been stolen. They do not use that as an excuse to murder. The people of many different religions and ethnicities have had lands stolen, and do not use that as an excuse to murder.
If people cannot agree that no one has the right to deliberately harm civilians, and that no one has the right to murder, no matter the excuse or justification given, then there is no hope for humanity.
Furthermore, the sins of the past are not inherited sins giving people the right to endlessly harm and murder the descendents of the accused. If sins of the past are the latest excuse for murder, then no one in the world is safe. The lands of native people all over North America, South America, Australia, Africa, Asia, and elsewhere have been stolen, and they are not out murdering.
It has not only been Europeans that have been imperialistic, stolen lands, occupied, settled, colonized, and murdered native populations. It has also been Arabs, Turks and others.
If land is used as the excuse to murder, then there is no one people that has a monopoly on this demented excuse.
Many people have grievances and have had suffered injustices, including having lands taken.
But no one, without exception, has the right to murder. Not over claims of land or anything else.
Murder is the right of no one.
Israelis, Over 75 Year History Of Facing Annihilation
Many Israelis are a traumatized people. They have experienced since the very founding of the state, a concerted effort to destroy their one small Jewish majority state in the world. In 1948, when the UN recognized the new state of Israel, Arab armies attacked the tiny state from all sides. Arabs forces living inside of Israel also attacked. Jews won the war, but it did not stop there.
It has been an over 75 year history of constant wars to destroy Israel and constant terrorist attacks to murder Israeli civilians. It has been over 75 years of rocket attacks, missile attacks, suicide bombers sent in wave after wave by Hamas,Islamic Jihad and others, shootings, stabbings, kidnappings, cars and trucks deliberately driven into civilians, bombs placed in supermarkets, on roads, in buses, and far more.
The effort by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and others determined to destroy Israel, provides nothing but continued trauma and misery to Israeli and Palestinian Arab alike.
Friday, July 12, 2024
Qatar Is A Leftist Paradise
Qatar is a country that relies on imported exploited foreign workers. It is a country that exports religious intolerance, hate and violence. Many of the foreign workers are poorly paid, poorly treated, and housed in substandard conditions. It is not uncommon for some exploited workers to be underpaid for what was promised, or not to be paid at all. Foreign workers that are women are vulnerable and risk being raped and sexually abused.
Qatar has lots of money from their oil and gas reserves. With big money comes big silence.
Qatar deflects all eyes away from themselves and on to the target of their hate. Their government controlled powerful media arm, Al Jazeera, ensures there is endless propaganda directed against Israel and no criticism ever of Qatar.
Qatar gives billions to American universities and other institutions. They want a world receptive to their hate and intolerance.
Qatar will support practically any terrorist movement, as long as they are against Israel.
In countries that lack the oil wealth of Qatar, but follow the same religious fanaticism that Qatar loves to export, there is widespread child marriage, complete suppression of women, prison or death to homosexuals, and no tolerance for religious minorities. Intolerance in countries without oil guarantees these countries are mired in poverty.
Hamas leaders, multi millionaires and multi billionaires, live like kings in Qatar. Qatar is paradise for the super rich, no matter how much chaos they create in other parts of the world.
Super rich Qatar doors are not open to the many millions of Muslims fleeing wars, famines, poverty, including Rohingyas, Uyghyurs, Arabs from Syria, Yemen, Gaza and elsewhere, black Muslims from Darfur, and more. Only the super rich need apply. The poor can come but only to do the work Qataris are too lazy to do themselves. And when Qatar is through exploiting them, they must go.
Qatar's money is spent on spreading hate and intolerance, not on alleviating poverty, or promoting tolerance and peace.
It does not matter to the leftists how exploited are the workers inside of Qatar, or how much hate and intolerance Qatar exports overseas. They love Qatar because Qatar hates who they hate.
Roger Waters, Fake Tears for Palestine
When Arabs kill Arabs by the millions, such as in the vicious wars in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere, there are no Roger Waters shedding tears or in the least bit concerned,
In the ongoing genocide in Darfur, in which Arab militias are raping and slaughtering indigenous black Muslims, there are no Roger Waters shedding tears.
The only thing that moves the Roger Waters of the world to their fake tears is if the Arabs now called Palestinian are getting killed by Jews because of the war Hamas started.
What is unfortunate is that many Palestinian Arabs mistakenly do not see that many of their supporters could care less about them, and are only interested out of hatred for Jews.
One day, Israelis and Palestinian Arabs must learn to live with one another, and no longer let hate mongers that have no skin in the game other than to see other people shed blood that is not their own control the narratives.
Roger Waters tells Israelis to go back to Europe. Millions of Israelis are born on the soil of Israel and have no connection to Europe. And of the these many millions, most are the descendants of parents, grandparents and great grand parents of Jews that are from the middle east, Asia and Africa, not Europe.
Roger Waters insists no rape took place on October 7, when Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others kidnapped, raped, wounded and murdered thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel. He does not deny that murder took place. Murdering Jews is fine with him. Just do not accuse the murderers of being rapists. That makes him angry.
People driven by hate for Jews pretend to care about Palestinian Arabs. Their tears are fake, as is their concern.
Abby Martin And The Depravity Of the Oct 7 Rape Denial Movement
In Darfur, where there is mass rape and murder by Arab militias against the native black Muslim population, there are no so called progressives or leftists raising a voice. They could care less because Israel cannot be condemned or blamed. This genocide is occurring now.
The killing in Yemen, in the Congo region, in Syria, in Myanmar, in many other places, also receives silence.
To the leftists and progressives, their politics, not people, is all that matters.
When women and girls are being raped, when people are being murdered, they have no interest unless the targets of their hate can be blamed.
Arabs killing Arabs, Arabs killing blacks, blacks killing blacks, are of no interest to the leftists because the ones doing the killing are not on their list of who can be blamed or held responsible.
The leftists want the world to believe there is genocide in Gaza. There is war in Gaza, in which Israel is fighting an enemy in a densely populated area in which Hamas and Islamic Jihad use civilians as their human shields. The leftists want this war to be considered genocide so that they can continue to ignore every real genocide and unjust war where the object of their hate and scorn cannot be blamed.
The leftists and progressive hatred for Israel, for Jews, has reached a new level of depravity. They have become the deniers of rape. Others are the defenders of rape, believing that rape and murder are justified under the guise of resistance.
They know that on October 7, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza, went into Israel and wounded and slaughtered thousands of defenseless people, men, women, children, babies. They know that hundreds of people were taken hostage, from a baby, children, to the very old.
They do not dispute any of this because they cannot. Even Hamas videotaped the slaughter. They may try to justify the slaughter, but they cannot deny it.
What many on the the left vigorously dispute is that there was rape and sexual violence on October 7.
They have inexplicably coupled their claims of genocide with their need to disprove that rape and sexual violence occurred.
Their politics, including defaming and demonizing Israel, are more important to them than actual rape victims.
They believe that they can deny rape occurred on October 7, in that almost every girl and women that was raped was also murdered. Many bodies were also set on fire by Hamas and Islamic Jihad. They assume incorrectly that without living witnesses, they have an additional way to discredit Israel by asserting rape is a false claim made by Israel. As it turns out, there are some survivors and witnesses to the rape and sexual violence, and enormous forensic evidence.
It is not necessary to support Israel or Israel's war in Gaza in order to believe there was rape. It is the height of depravity to deny rape occurred simply out of hatred for Israel. No matter how much someone hates Israel, human beings still live inside of Israel and no human being anywhere should be subject to rape and sexual abuse.
Many of the leftists and progressives that fancy themselves journalists or reporters are nothing more than propagandists. The mass murders on October 7 Sparks no outrage in them. They are only animated about disproving rape.
Leftists and progressives deny the existence of rape not because they have evidence to support their claim, but only because they have carefully crafted political narratives that they eagerly protect. They put their politics above people. They deny that rape occurred on Oct 7 because blaming Israel is more important to them than what happens to living human beings. For all of the other mass rapes, in Darfur, in the Congo, in Myanmar, in Syria, in Iran against women dissidents, and elsewhere, they are silent because if there is not Israel to demonize, they could care less.
Sunday, July 7, 2024
Trump Wins If Biden Remains
There is an expression that aging is not for the faint of heart.
Some people age with grace. Others become stubborn and inflexible.
Everyone knows that Biden has deteriorated. Live long enough and it happens to us all.
Biden has always been an ambitious man full of his own self importance. That and the ravages of aging that is afflicting him renders him incapable of recognizing his own frailty and limitations, and that the country would be better served by a healthier person to take his place.
People age differently. Some people in their 80's are sharper and more resilant than Biden. That is no fault of his own. It is problematic when people cannot accept their limitations, and adjust their lives acordingly. Biden is one of them.
What is disgraceful is that the people closest to him know this, but are so greedy for power or something else, that they are unwilling to do the right thing. Not just for Biden himself, but for the whole country and world for that matter.
The country does best with competing, viable political parties and candidates. The argument that Biden must remain in order for Trump to be defeated not only guarentees that Trump wins, but is the height of selfishness.
Bernie Sanders comes to mind. Like many leftists, he is concerned about ideology, not human beings.
Biden needs to retire and live out his life in peace. He must not be propped up because some people hate Trump so much they are willing to sacrifice a frail old man that is no longer fit to run even a hotdog stand.
If Biden remains, Trump wins for sure. Many people that will not vote for Trump will also not vote for a frail old man that is clearly not fit for office.
Saturday, July 6, 2024
Weakness And Obsession Behind The Hatred For Jews
A common thread with Jew haters besides their weak and pathetic need to hate Jews, is their quickness to anger if they get called out on their hate.
Needing a target to hate, demonize, blame and scapegoat, is an enormous human weakness.
Life is shorter than most people imagine. It is better to do good with the short time that we have, than waste it on the opposite.
The Jew is a diverse but small in number religious and ethnic minority. It would be far better for the world if those that hate Jews expended their energy on something constructive, instead of the destructive force of hate.
But wishing for that does not make it reality. Good and evil exist. The hatred for Jews is a long standing evil.
What makes the hatred for Jews so virulant is the way hate combines with obession. Rather than find the strength to resist the obsession, the need to hate, far too many people choose instead to indulge in it.
What is even worse is when hate is combined with obsession and cruelty. Then there is no limit to the harm the Jew hater will inflict if given half the chance.
The October 7 massacre inside of Israel was the latest example.
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Do Grievances Justify Murder?
Do grievances give people the right to murder?
Does injustice, real or imagined, justify murder?
The war against Israel has long centered on grievances.
Grievances are being used to justify murder, war and terror against the civilian population of Israel.
It keeps the war from ever getting resolved.
The focus on countering the grievances, or explaining how Israelis have legitimate grievances of their own, does not address the fundamental issue underlying all of this.
The focus must stop being on the legitimacy of grievances as reasons to murder.
Instead, murder must stop being given legitamacy period, no matter the grievance or claim of injustice.
Murder is accepted by many as the legitamite response to grievances when it comes to Israel, and practically nowhere else in the world, in a world full of injustices and grievances, including grievances and injustices experienced by Israelis themselves.
Some will say, the Nakba gives the Arabs called Palestinian the permanent right to murder.
There have been plenty of Nakbas in this world.
Besides the fact that if Arab armies did not attack Israel in 1948 and try to destroy Israel, there would have been no exodus of Arabs from Israel.
Far more Jews were driven from their lands all over the middle east and North Africa and forced to flee for their lives to Israel, then the number of Arabs that fled from Israel in 1948 during a time of war. These Jews from the middle and east and Africa form the majority population of Israel.
If grievances are the foundation for murder, then do the Jews have the right to murder people all over the middle east and North Africa? Jewish tribes were slaughtered and driven out from what is now Saudi Arabia in the 7th century. Do Jews have the same right to kill to rectify past injustice and persecution? No.
Jews were driven out and fled from persecution from Iraq, Libya, Syria, Algeria, Iran, Yemen,Egypt, and many more lands across the middle east and North Africa. Do Jews have the right to kill the people in those countries? No.
Jews were massacred all over British controlled Palestine, including the Hebron massacre of 1929. Do Jews have the right to revenge these past evils and take it out on their descendants? No.
All the people living on lands stolen from native people all over North American, South America, Africa, Australia and elsewhere, screaming for the murder of Jews in their their one small country, because the Jews are wrongly not considered indigenous or there are grievances made against them, do not apply the same standard to themselves.
If native indigenous people started slaughtering nonnative people, applying the same standard used by millions against Israel, that grievances and past injustices, real or imagined, justify murder, then it would mean the slaughter of millions upon millions of these hypocrites.
Not to murder is the most fundamental commandment for all of humanity to live by. Grievances and injustices do not abrogate the most fundamental rule not to murder.
Without the basic standard of thou shall not murder being applied to all people everywhere, there will be no end to war and misery.
Hitler showed the world where hate and demonizing leads. He showed what happens when murder is no longer prohibited against certain populations, and is instead allowed and promoted. This includes over 70 million people killed, a holocaust with almost all of Europe's Jews murdered, over 6 million people, millions of survivors permanately wounded and scarred for life, Europe in ruins and more.
Oct 7 happened because there was no prohibition against murder.
The most fundamental rule by which all of humanity must live must be defended. Grievances and injustices, real or imagined, do not overide the commandment not to murder. This most basic of rules, this most fundamental principle, continues to be disregarded or rejected.