Sunday, July 21, 2024

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah; What They Want And What Resistance Means To them

This is not about land, occupation, settlers, or anything else except for one thing. 

It is about killing Jews. 

They do not hide this. Hamas openly declares in their charter, in their words, and their actions that they exist to kill Jews. 

The October 7 massacre inside of Israel - murdering, raping, kidnapping, wounding, beheading, burning people alive, mutilating defenseless people of all ages - is what Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Iranian regime, Hezbollah, and all of their supporters want to achieve over and over.

Hezbollah and the rest like to dress up their genocidal ambitions to murder Jews with lofty words like resistance and martyrdom. When Jews fight back and do not submit to their genocidal ambitions, Hezbollah and the others consider fighting against Jews who do not want to be murdered as resistance. When their brainwashed soldiers die in the effort to commit genocide against the Jews, they consider them martyrs.

The Iranian regime, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and all of the other genocidal murdering thieves that steal from their own people, hide behind civilians that they use as human shields, exist solely to murder Jews and keep their own people brainwashed by uniting them behind an enemy to hate and a false God of gore and violence to worship. 

Not facing the truth does not resolve wars and conflicts. This conflict is about murdering Jews. Facing this truth does not mean unconditional support for Israel. It does mean looking the genocidal in the eye and not letting them continue in the footsteps of Hitler.

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