Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Land Excuse To Murder

 There are many that believe that they have the right to murder if they accuse their enemy of stealing their land, no matter how many years, decades or centuries have passed. They assert, you stole our land, so we get to murder you into perpetuity. This is the thinking of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and many others. Even if this claim were true, which it is not, it does not justify murder.

Far more lands were stolen from the Jews of the middle east and North Africa, who with their descendents are the majority population of Israel, than lands lost by Arabs, now called Palestinians, that fled from Israel in 1948 during a time of war when Israel was attacked from all sides, including from within.

The lands of Jews and of many other people throughout the world have been stolen. They do not use that as an excuse to murder. The people of many different religions and ethnicities have had lands stolen, and do not use that as an excuse to murder. 

If people cannot agree that no one has the right to deliberately harm civilians, and that no one has the right to murder, no matter the excuse or justification given, then there is no hope for humanity.

Furthermore, the sins of the past are not inherited sins giving people the right to endlessly harm and murder the descendents of the accused. If sins of the past are the latest excuse for murder, then no one in the world is safe. The lands of native people all over North America, South America, Australia, Africa, Asia, and elsewhere have been stolen, and they are not out murdering.

It has not only been Europeans that have been imperialistic, stolen lands, occupied, settled, colonized, and murdered native populations. It has also been Arabs, Turks and others.

If land is used as the excuse to murder, then there is no one people that has a monopoly on this demented excuse.

Many people have grievances and have had suffered injustices, including having lands taken.  

But no one, without exception, has the right to murder. Not over claims of land or anything else.

Murder is the right of no one.

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