Sunday, July 21, 2024

Why The Houthis Are Heroes to Many

 The Houthis are heroes to many not because they vigorously fight against child marriage. In fact, they and their allies, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and others fight for the opposite. They want child marriage. Houthi militiamen also take female children from civilian families into forced marriages with Houthis.

The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because of their treatment of women and respect for women's rights. In fact, it is the opposite.

The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because they protect the environment. It is the opposite, including Houthi deliberate attacks on ships and the damage this does to the Red Sea, coral reefs and environment.   

The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because they have done everything they can to promote peace in Yemen. In fact, they have done the opposite. Hundreds of thousands of people have already died because of the war, including thousands upon thousands of children. Many people have been killed by Houthi deliberate attacking and killing civilians in Yemen.

The Houthis and their allies, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iranian regime, Hezbollah, are not heroes because they are at the forefront of an effort to establish peace and co existence with those of a different religion. In fact, they are the opposite. They despise Jews and want them murdered. 

The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because they do everything they can to end poverty and the suffering poverty causes. In fact, everywhere they and their allies go, poverty follows and increases. 

The Houthis and their allies are not heroes because they have ended malnutrition and starvation in Yemen and elsewhere. In fact, they are the cause of increased malnutrition and starvation with their endless wars and violent fanaticism.

Everywhere the Houthis and their like minded allies go, including Hamas, Iranian regime, Hezbollah and others, there is poverty, corruption, leaders that enrich themselves in the millions and billions from their corruption, leaders that steal foreign aid, violence, war, intolerance towards certain religious minorities, intolerance towards people that believe differently, collapsed governments and economies, misery.

All the Houthis have to do is shoot some rockets into Israel, or send some drones in order to kill some Jews, and all of a sudden they are heroes in the eyes of millions.

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