Friday, July 12, 2024

Roger Waters, Fake Tears for Palestine

 When Arabs kill Arabs by the millions, such as in the vicious wars in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere,  there are no Roger Waters shedding tears or in the least bit concerned,

In the ongoing genocide in Darfur, in which Arab militias are raping and slaughtering indigenous black Muslims, there are no Roger Waters shedding tears.

The only thing that moves the Roger Waters of the world to their fake tears is if the Arabs now called Palestinian are getting killed by Jews because of the war Hamas started. 

What is unfortunate is that many Palestinian Arabs mistakenly do not see that many of their supporters could care less about them, and are only interested out of hatred for Jews.

One day, Israelis and Palestinian Arabs must learn to live with one another, and no longer let hate mongers that have no skin in the game other than to see other people shed blood that is not their own control the narratives.

Roger Waters tells Israelis to go back to Europe. Millions of Israelis are born on the soil of Israel and have no connection to Europe. And of the these many millions, most are the descendants of parents, grandparents and great grand parents of Jews that are from the middle east, Asia and Africa, not Europe. 

Roger Waters insists no rape took place on October 7, when Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others kidnapped, raped, wounded and murdered thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel. He does not deny that murder took place. Murdering Jews is fine with him. Just do not accuse the murderers of being rapists. That makes him angry.

People driven by hate for Jews pretend to care about Palestinian Arabs. Their tears are fake, as is their concern.  


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