Sunday, July 7, 2024

Trump Wins If Biden Remains

 There is an expression that aging is not for the faint of heart. 

Some people age with grace. Others become stubborn and inflexible. 

Everyone knows that Biden has deteriorated. Live long enough and it happens to us all. 

Biden has always been an ambitious man full of his own self importance. That and the ravages of aging that is afflicting him renders him incapable of recognizing his own frailty and limitations, and that the country would be better served by a healthier person to take his place. 

People age differently. Some people in their 80's are sharper and more resilant than Biden. That is no fault of his own. It is problematic when people cannot accept their limitations, and adjust their lives acordingly. Biden is one of them.

What is disgraceful is that the people closest to him know this, but are so greedy for power or something else, that they are unwilling to do the right thing. Not just for Biden himself, but for the whole country and world for that matter. 

The country does best with competing, viable political parties and candidates. The argument that Biden must remain in order for Trump to be defeated not only guarentees that Trump wins, but is the height of selfishness. 

Bernie Sanders comes to mind. Like many leftists, he is concerned about ideology, not human beings.

Biden needs to retire and live out his life in peace. He must not be propped up because some people hate Trump so much they are willing to sacrifice a frail old man that is no longer fit to run even a hotdog stand. 

If Biden remains, Trump wins for sure. Many people that will not vote for Trump will also not vote for a frail old man that is clearly not fit for office.

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