This blog originated as a futile effort to expose ineffective and harmful programs and practices as it pertains to animal cruelty, dog fighting, animal welfare, wildlife protection and conservation. A number of nonprofit organizations, individuals and others profit handsomely from their exploitation of voiceless populations.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Outrage Regarding The Killing Of A Gorilla At A Zoo- Something Good Can Result
The recent killing of a gorilla at a zoo has sparked outrage. Something good can result if the plight of gorillas in the wild is addressed. Gorillas across their range have been decimated by habitat loss and hunting. Their numbers have declined dramatically. There are two species of gorilla, western and eastern, and at least four subspecies of gorilla. Two subspecies are western gorillas, the western lowland gorilla (the gorilla most commonly seen at zoos), and the cross river gorilla. Two subspecies are eastern gorillas, the mountain gorilla and the eastern lowland gorilla(also called the Grauer's gorilla). Perhaps the mountain gorilla, the source of significant profitable ecotourism, is best protected. The eastern lowland gorilla, found in one part of the Democratic Republic of The Congo (down to less than 4000, decimated by war, hunting, habitat loss), the western lowland gorilla, and the cross river gorilla (cross river gorillas now number less than 300), all continue to be hunted and eaten. All gorillas are threatened by continued habitat loss, human overpopulation, war, diseases that can wipe out vulnerable populations, and other threats. Serious conservation and wildlife protection requires the active involvement of governments, especially conservation minded, non corrupt countries. Not self serving conservation/wildlife organizations that have utterly failed, and are not up the task. They can act as supplements to serious international efforts, but real conservation and wildlife protection must not be left in their hands.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Arab Muslims' Contribution To Israel And The Hypocrites' Guide To Ethnic Cleansing
Arab Muslims helped create the state of Israel that many now want to destroy. By expelling their Jewish populations, and forcing them to flee to Israel,they gave Israel the population it needed to be a healthy, viable state. The descendants of the Jews from Muslim majority lands make up the majority of Israel's population. The ethnic cleansing that occurred in Muslim majority lands against Jews is now taking place against middle east Christians, Yazidis and other non Muslim religious minorities. There were more Jewish refugees from Arab Muslim majority lands that went to Israel than there were Arab refugees that fled from Israel during the time of war when Israel became a state in 1948. The world hypocritically ignores the ethnic cleansing that took place against the Jews and that is now taking place against other middle east and North Africa minorities - the genocide by Arab Muslims against the black Muslims of Darfur, the genocide against Yazidis and Christians and the enslavement of Yazidi girls and young women by Islamists who keep these girls and women as sex slaves, the mass murder in the Muslim world in the raging wars, the murder by Islamists all over the world, whether Shia or Sunni, who worship killing in the name of religion and are slaughtering people by the thousands- as it focuses on the single minded goal of destroying Israel and committing another genocide.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Illegal Immigration in The U.S.
No one knows the true number of illegal immigrants in the United States. Figures are used on the basis of nothing factual. It can be twenty million illegal immigrants, it can be seventy million. No one knows. During the annual census taken every ten years in the United States, many illegal immigrants do not respond to the census, (even though it does not question immigration status), regardless of how minimally intrusive is the census. They are already marginalized, and many live in fear. The message to illegal immigrants has been loud and clear for a long time- Your labor is wanted, but you are not. We want you to do the hard labor that Americans will not do, at a low price, and in return we want to give you nothing. Ronald Reagan, a conservative, gave a pathway to legitimacy for illegal immigrants. It was the right thing to do, but was missing one critical piece - properly securing the borders of the United States. A new Ronald Reagan type program to address illegal immigration will secure the borders and accomplish the following: 1. Millions of illegal immigrants in the United States pay taxes, contribute to the economy, perform essential jobs and tasks that Americans will not do. It is not realistic to expect there will be mass deportations, regardless of how appealing this might sound from a politician. It is not practical, and it is not achievable. Do what Ronald Reagan did, and allow illegal immigrants, most of whom are decent, hardworking people, an opportunity to no longer be marginalized. Allow them to register, and after a certain number of years have passed, grant them green cards and a path to citizenship. For those illegal immigrants that commit crimes, including drunk driving, have them deported. Immigration enforcement, already stretched, has failed miserably in removing illegal immigrants that are criminals. By allowing a legitimate path for illegal immigrants, resources will finally be available to remove those illegal immigrants that are criminals and terrorists. 2. The people that do the important labor that illegal immigrants perform will no longer be marginalized. One white racist who has made a fortune from Jew hate decries how illegal immigration, which he blames on Jews, is harming the white race( ignoring the fact that Judaism is a religion, not a race). Illegal immigrants come from all lands, including Europe, but mostly Mexico because that is a far poorer country than the United States, and the two share a large border. There is no secret Jewish plot to flood America with nonwhites, as this person pretends to believe in, while he collects donations from easily led fools that want an easy scapegoat to blame for a complicated problem. The simple fact is that desperate people that live in conditions of abject poverty, overpopulation and violence will do everything they can to escape and have a better life in a land where there is hope. That white racist so called leader, wealthy from hate and never having to work a real job, despises the illegal immigrants, but you will never see that lazy crybaby sob or people like him in the fields picking crops, repairing roofs on a hot summer day, or any kind of job that requires real sweat and tears. 3. There are few livable places in the world anymore. The more the countries around the United States continue to be racked with poverty, violence, overpopulation, the more desperate people will do anything they can to enter the United States. Everything the United States and developed countries can do to provide sensible family planning (not abortion) to third world countries will help in reducing poverty, environmental degradation and overpopulation, and the need for people to flee from their places of birth. Helping other countries to have stable economies that are free from religious, political and criminal violence, will help enormously. Desperate people will seek jobs and a better life elsewhere, no matter the risks they must take, not because they want to break immigration laws, but because it is human nature to want to help feed and support one's own family. 4. Everyone knows that most illegal immigrants perform hard labor jobs that few Americans will touch. Nothing good comes from wanting their labor only, while continuing to marginalize and exploit this invaluable population.
Monday, May 23, 2016
Al Jazeera- Are You The Voice For Helpless Refugees, Or The Qatari Monarch's Lapdogs?
Millions of Muslims are now refugees from the wars raging across the middle east, Asia and Africa, from Islamists waging violent jihad. This receives proportionally little coverage, and no outrage or at least raised voices as to why the oil rich Islamic nations, eager to keep alive the flames of war, hatred and incitement, do nothing to take in these refugees, expecting Europe to do what they will not do. Meanwhile, for the millions of desperate Muslim refugees that can easily be absorbed by the oil rich Islamic countries, do not waste time hoping these countries are good for anything more than promoting hate, bigotry, incitement, and endless stupid violent jihad.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
The Pending Disaster That does Not Have To Be
This is a crowded world that is severely degraded and polluted. If we do not poison and contaminate ourselves into oblivion, we may do so by our nuclear weapons. In the little time that is left, we cannot continue to resolve political and religious differences by resorting to war and violence and expect to divert disaster. We are no more exempt from extinction than the many species we have already driven into extinction.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
The Tragedy Of Syria, A Cautionary Tale For Israelis And Palestinians
Look at what is happening in Syria- hundreds of thousands dead, hundreds of thousands wounded with many permanently disabled and crippled, millions of refugees, entire cities in ruin. If ever there is an argument for pragmatism, moderation, reasonableness, the need to see the other side as human beings first, Syria is it. Syria is the perfect example of where extremism, hate, intolerance, inflexibility, and war leads. The Palestinians and Israelis must do everything they can to end their conflict, not everything they can to harden their own positions.
Friday, May 20, 2016
ISIS Is An Ideology That Will Not End With Military Defeat
The day will come in which ISIS is defeated militarily, and nothing will change for the better. The ideology of ISIS will not disappear. ISIS believes in an Islamic caliphate. An Islamic caliphate will do away with nation states and kingdoms, and so ISIS is a threat to countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Outside of that, there is little theological and ideological difference between the three. The oil rich nations of the world, including Iran on the Shia side, promote worldwide the most bigoted, intolerant, violent jihadist versions of Islam. Many Muslim children all over the world receive a Saudi sponsored education that is an indoctrination and brainwashing. Courtesy of the misuse of wealth from the oil rich Islamic nations of the world, children are being raised to be bigoted and full of hate. We will keep having generation after generation of intolerant youth who believe violent jihad is not only the correct response to any grievance, but also a duty and responsibility. And so, ISIS defeated on the battlefield through costly wars will not end the indoctrinations that gives rise to their psychotic conduct. When the nazis were defeated militarily, they did not continue to brainwash children through the German education system. Otherwise, Germany would not have developed into the peaceful,democratic economic powerhouse that it is now. Battles may be won, but wars will not end without paying attention to what it is children are being taught.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Iranian Ayatollah Khamenei Demonstrates Why Israel Is Necessary
The leader of Iran has complete power. What better way to control a population than to create an enemy to demonize, and project onto the enemy everything you despise, including that which may exist inside of yourself. Hitler told the Germans that the Jews were a greedy, evil race, even though Jew is a religion, not a race, yet it was the Germans that murdered people and extracted gold from their teeth. It was the Germans that slaughtered millions, and performed experiments, often without anesthesia, on children and people of all ages. The 1000 year reich of the nazis collapsed in less than thirteen years. Nothing can survive long term on hate. Not even humanity. Iran will hold its childish holocaust cartoon contests, probably once a year, to the delight of weak, lazy white racists in the United States and elsewhere that are convinced Jews are to blame for everything. David...a lazy, typical whiny Jew hating coward that has made a fortune from his Jew hating, Jew baiting, avoidance of real work, is probably in attendance, or wishes he were. Iran is the darling of neonazis and Jew haters everywhere. What an accomplishment. Have a holocaust cartoon drawing contest every day. Demonize the Jews as much as you want. It only proves the point - religious minorities are not safe under Islamic rule. They are tolerated at best, never being equal to a Muslim, and subject to periods of outright persecution and genocide, such as what Yazidis and middle east Christians are now experiencing. Israeli Jews must do everything they can to seek peace with Palestinian Arabs. But if Israel submits to all of the Palestinian Arab Muslim demands, and ceases to exist, there will be genocide against the Jews. Iran is a big country with a lot of oil and resources, a population of over 80 million, almost all of whom are Shia Muslims. It tolerates its less than ten thousand Jews that are still in Iran as long as they completely disassociate themselves from the one small Jewish homeland in the world (over 90 per cent of Iranian jews have already left.) Iran persecutes another religious minority mercilessly. The all powerful Ayatollah recently said that the members of that religion are unclean, as though they are less than human. So here is Iran, professing great concern for Palestinian Arab Muslims, (not because they give a damn about Palestinians, who are Sunni, not Shia Muslims, but because they hate Jews) while relentlessly persecuting a completely vulnerable religious minority in their midst. There is a dark side to Islam that any decent Muslim should fight- a world of hate, bigotry, fanatical Jew hating, intolerance, the unwillingness to accept responsibility for anything and blame the Jews and others for everything, the glorification of violence and the eagerness to engage in idiotic violent jihad. Iran seems determined to keep showing to the world the dark side.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Palestinian "Right Of Return" - The Polite Way To Say Israel Has No Right To Exist
The Israeli/Arab conflict can never be resolved until it is recognized that the so called right of return is not a realistic demand. The west keeps operating on the assumption this conflict is about land and territory, and even occupation, and if only the land is divided into two states, the conflict will end. For many Muslims, this is about killing and subjugating Jews, and the belief that every inch of what is now Israel can only be controlled by Muslims. The land was divided before into exactly what many advocates of the two state solution propose. Prior to 1967, Jordan possessed the west bank and east Jerusalem, and Egypt controlled the Gaza strip. Not once during that time did Arabs demand a Palestinian state on the west bank with east Jerusalem as its capital, and the Gaza strip. The goal was to destroy Israel. The two state solution many advocate is for Israel to return to the 1967 border. The heartland of Israel is only 14 miles wide, and if Israel returns to its 1967 borders, the so called green line, it once again becomes a country with indefensible borders. A two state solution is achievable, even if Israel returns to its vulnerable 1967 borders, with some negotiated modifications and land exchanges with a newly created Palestinian Arab state, provided there is finally true peace. But many Palestinian Arabs and others make a demand that everyone wants to ignore, and that will continue to doom all efforts at peace talks and a negotiated two state settlement to this conflict - the demand that all the descendants of the Palestinian Arabs that fled from Israel during a time of war when Israel became a state in 1948, be allowed to return to Israel. These Palestinian Arabs now number in the millions. Arafat said that any child from a Palestinian Arab father is Palestinian, regardless of the mother's ethnicity and religion. By this definition, there are millions of Palestinian Arabs. Under Islamic law, men can have up to four wives. It is impossible for Israel to absorb millions of Palestinian Muslim Arabs, and still exist. The right of return is simply another way to state Israel has no right to exist. The right of return means Israel instantly changes from a democratic nation with a Jewish majority into another Islamic state, of which there are already many in the world. When Israel became a state, there was a transfer of populations. Arabs, most of whom were Muslim, fled from what is now Israel. Debate still rages to this day as to why they left. Those that did not leave now form 20 per cent of Israel's population. But a greater number of Jews were forced out from Arab Muslim majority lands and sent fleeing to the state of Israel. Israel absorbed its Jewish refugees from Arab Muslim majority lands. Arab Muslim countries refused to settle the Arabs that fled from Israel, and now, over 65 years later, many live in permanent refugee camps. The rights of the descendants of the ethnically cleansed Jews from Arab lands are no less important than the rights of the descendants of the Arabs that fled from Israel in 1948. The ethnically cleansed Jews from Arab lands, the nakba they experienced, can no longer be ignored if there is to be a final settlement. Palestinian Arabs say their nakba, their catastrophe, demands they have the right of return to what is now Israel. The Jews that were ethnically cleansed from Arab Muslim majority lands, and that now form the majority population of Israel, have no right of return. Their catastrophe, their nakba, has never been addressed. They cannot return to the lands and homes where their descendents lived for centuries, even thousands of years, long before Islam became a religion. They will never be able to return to such places as Syria, Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Algeria, and so forth. They will be at best persecuted, and more likely murdered, with their women raped. Most of Jordan's population are Palestinian Arab Muslims. Already, millions of Palestinian Muslim Arabs live in the Arab Muslim world. If ever there is to be a two state solution to the Arab Palestinian/Israeli conflict, simple justice demands that the descendants of the ethnically cleansed Jews from Arab Muslim majority lands remain safe in the small state of Israel, and that the Palestinian Arab refugees are settled into the newly formed Palestinian state, and elsewhere in the vast Arab Islamic world. The right of return means nothing more than ethnic cleansing and the destruction of Israel. It is interesting how many hypocrites assert this right for Palestinian Arabs, but you do not see any of them leaving North America, Australia and other places in order to return the lands to the descendants of the native people that truly were ethnically cleansed. No one raises a voice about the hundreds of thousands of Jews that were driven out from Arab Muslim lands to the state of Israel. And if the world really wants to apply the right of return to all, then give the Jews and other non Muslims back the lands in Saudi Arabia and all over the middle east, Asia and Africa, including in what is now called the west bank, that have been stole from the Jews and other non Muslims by Arab Muslims and other Muslims over centuries right up until the present(ethnic cleansing is taking place right now in the middle east against Christians, Yazidis, Bahais and others by Islamists). Return all of the hundreds of millions of people that were forced to leave their lands from wars, persecution and ethnic cleansing, regardless of how many years have passed, and never accept the way to resolve conflict and war is not by creating new conflict and war.
Monday, May 16, 2016
The Arab Muslim Ethnic Cleansing Of Jews- The Rights Of The Expelled Jews From Muslim Lands Must Be Considered In Resolving The Israeli/Palestinian Arab Conflict
Hundreds of thousands of Jews from Arab Muslim majority lands in the middle east and North Africa, and other Muslim majority lands, were ethnically cleansed and forced to flee to Israel. Their descendants now make up the majority population of Israel. The world demands the rights of Palestinians refugees, the descendents of Arabs that fled from Israel when Israel was created, while completely disregarding the Jewish refugees from Arab Muslim lands, which were of a greater number than the Arabs that fled from Israel when it became a state. Israel absorbed its Jewish refugees from Arab Muslim lands that were the victims of ethnic cleansing. Israel is their home. The Arab Muslim world forced out their Jews, forcing them to flee to Israel, and now many in the Islamic world and anti-Israel crowd demand that Israel be destroyed. Many of the Jewish communities from the middle east and north Africa existed long before the rise of Islam. Everything the Jews from the middle east and North Africa owned was taken from them; their property, their lands. Many lost their lives. The rights of the ethnically cleansed Jews from Arab Muslim and Muslim lands cannot continue to be ignored by those truly seeking a just end to this conflict.
Mass Murder And Genocide Are Ignored As Only The Demonization And Destruction Of Israel Is Pursued
Syria lays in ruin, with over a million killed, wounded or maimed, including thousands of children. The killing fields extends to Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, and many other places. There is no outrage, no obsessive focus or concern. Instead, it is placed on Israel alone, as the demonization of Israel and the Jews continues.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
The Misery Of Gaza Is A Failure Of The Islamic World, Not The West
Everywhere they go, Islamists that believe in violent jihad, their superiority and right to kill, harm, and subjugate, have done nothing but cause mass misery, poverty, killing, mass rape, sexual slavery, beheadings, child marriage, crucifixions, amputations, and the death of millions of Muslims in addition to the mass killings and ethnic cleansing and genocide against certain non Muslim religions. All over the middle east, Christians have been ethnically cleansed. The men of the Yazidi religion have been slaughtered, and Yazidi women and girls have been taken as sex slaves by Islamist ISIS men, where thousands are still held captive and are being raped daily. The religious minorities living in many Muslim majority countries and lands all over the world are at great risk. Some are quick to argue that the Islamists that rule Gaza are not persecuting the few Christians that are still living there, or that Hezbollah, sworn to kill Jews and destroy Israel, is not attacking Christians. Some Islamists are attacking all non Muslims, and some Islamists attack only certain non Muslims. In Iran, for example, members of the Bahai faith are persecuted, while the few Jews still living in that country are left alone, provided they condemn or at least disassociate themselves from the only Jewish homeland in the world. The Islamists that make exceptions as to who they persecute, murder and harm are hardly cause for celebration. Those in the west that applaud selective bigotry and persecution as opposed to wholesale, indiscriminate, widespread persecution and bigotry, are truly morally bankrupt. Hamas that rules Gaza and the other Jihadi Islamist groups in Gaza are sworn to kill Jews. They do not hide this fact. Their apologists ignore Hamas clearly stated intentions to kill Jews, destroy Israel, and create an Islamic caliphate on its ashes. The apologists feel morally secure and smug with a one sided interpretation that ignores reality and that only demonizes israel. I recently was on an airplane, and sat next to a young American Muslim woman that is originally from Bosnia. She said that she is angry about Gaza. I asked her what israel should do? If Israel allows the people from Gaza free travel in and out of Israel, there will once again be a wave of suicide bombings. There is no compromise with Islamist groups like Hamas that believe there can only be Islamist caliphates, and that Jews must be driven out, murdered, or at best relegated to second class status. Even Egypt keeps Gaza sealed on their side of the border with Gaza. Hamas has squandered millions on building tunnels for the express purpose of waging war with Israel, and not on building schools, hospitals, a proper infrastructure. For Hamas, there can be no two state solution, no mid ground compromise. Their position is absolute- Israel must be destroyed and the Jews must be killed and/or driven out. They purposefully wage war from one of the most densely populated places in the world, knowing that the civilians of Gaza will suffer and die. I am not a supporter of the present government of Israel, or how it responds to Gaza. But I asked this young women if Israel's response was any different from how most countries of the world would react to rocket fire and attacks. Russia wiped out entire neighborhoods in its war against Chechnya. Thousands of civilians died when Sri lanka finally overran the Tamil Tiger territory. The mass killings of non Muslims by Muslims raises few eyebrows, as does the killing of millions of Muslims by Muslims. Almost always the outcry that comes from the Islamic world gets directed at the Jews. Hundreds of thousands of civilians have died in Syria, most by the Iranian backed Assad regime. Syrians are caught between a ruthless regime, and completely demented Sunni Muslim Islamists groups like ISIS. I asked the young woman why is the mass killings of Muslims by Muslims acceptable or ignored? Why does the mass killings of Non muslims by Muslims get no outcry? Why is the world's conscience only stirred by what Israel does or does not do? If tomorrow Israel is wiped off the map, and if Islamists rule all of what is now Israel and proceed to kill by the hundreds of thousands other Muslims in Gaza, not one word of protest would be raised in the world. The only way out of this crisis is for the Israelis and Palestinian Arabs to seek a two state solution and separate from each other. There are those that will say that the Palestinians were there first, and therefore all the Jews must go. But it is interesting how hypocritical this position is, considering that most of North America, Australia, and many other places in the world were settled by uninvited European settlers from Europe, and no one tells their descendants to leave or justifies terrorism against them. Or how Muslims conquered and murdered all over the world in their imperialistic expansion, much of it violent, and which continues to this day, and no one asks Muslims to return lands they have conquered by force. In the case of Israel, most Israelis are not of European descent. Most Israelis are the descendants of Jewish refugees from Muslim majority lands in the middle east and North Africa, where many were forced to leave and flee to Israel. There were more Jewish refugees from Muslim majority lands that fled to Israel than there were Arab refugees from the state of Israel. Arab Muslims ethnically cleansed their Jews. Go to Israel, they were told, having to leave behind all of their possessions and homes where many lived for centuries. Now that they are in Israel, they are told, leave from Israel. It is Muslim land. In the 1920's, Jews lived in Hebron until they were massacred. There has always been a Jewish presence in what is now Israel and the west bank. The only way out of this cycle of violence is for both sides to accept the existence of the other, and to reach a settlement with each other that does not mean the forcing out of one side or the other. But how do you make a settlement with Islamists? When Islamists control land, like ISIS now does, like Boko Harem did in Nigeria, like the Islamists in Somalia, like Hezbollah, like the Taliban, like Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, they cannot stop themselves from waging war, killing and ethnic cleansing. The thing that keeps alive the conflict in Gaza is the elephant in the room that everyone wants to ignore- the bigotry, hate, intolerance, desire for war and killing from Islamists, combined with Jew hatred. Look at any place in the world where there are Islamists. South Philippines where Islamists have been fighting for hundreds of years, and where they just beheaded a kidnapped elderly Canadian man and threaten to do the same to their other hostages. They have already beheaded many others. South Thailand, where like in the Philippines, Islamists have already killed thousands upon thousands of civilians, Muslim and non Muslim. The world is on fire because of the uncontained hatred, bigotry, intolerance, violent jihad of the Islamic world. All over the world, Islamists, whether Shia or Sunni, have plunged this world into war and chaos- Syria. Libya, Afghanistan, s. Thailand, s. Philippines, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, and a thousand other places. Gaza cannot continue to be the excuse for the Muslim world to blame the west, and Jews in particular, and continue to do nothing to combat or at least contain the hatred, bigotry and violence in their own ranks. Gaza cannot continue to be the excuse by which the mass killings in Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and a thousand other places, continues to be ignored. The fate of Gaza is in the hands of the Islamists that run it. If they continue to choose war, Jew killing, hate, violence and bigotry, they will get in return war, misery and mass poverty. If they choose the path of peace, then it is peace and prosperity they will receive. Only a demented person can possibly want war and violence, not in Gaza, not anywhere else. Unfortunately, many Islamists want the war and killing, believing this is their path to paradise. Those that excuse, justify or ignore, for whatever pathological reasons, the bigotry and violence of Hamas and other Islamists, only keep alive the war and killing.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Being Pro- Palestinian Or Pro- Israel Will Not Solve The Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
It is irrelevant if a person is 100 per cent pro Israel, or 100 per cent pro Palestinian, if the person is a rational, decent human being. This is a conflict that cannot be won militarily. This is a conflict that neither side can win. There are not many options. Option one, a two state solution. This can succeed if it means a permanent end to the violence and war. Otherwise, there will be endless war between the two states that will result in far more deaths and maiming than has yet been experienced. Two states is a rational solution. These two sides have been at each others throats, and forcing a one state solution if both sides do not equally want it, is only a recipe for permanent conflict. There are reasons places like the former Yugoslavia have been divided into smaller countries- to keep hostile populations separate from one another. A two state solution means separating the two warring sides. The rights of Jewish refugees and their descendants from Arab Muslim majority lands in the middle east and north Africa, and that now form the majority population of Israel, must finally be taken into consideration as much as the rights of the Arab refugees and their descendants from what is now Israel. Two states means a separation, not making the entanglement worse, and not expecting either side to destruct itself by having to absorb the descendants of the refugees of the other side. For the 20 per cent population of Israel that are Arab Muslim citizens, as will as with all Israelis, a two state solution will work to the benefit of all by ending a conflict that has dragged everyone down. Option two, a one state solution. This is only possible if there is a willingness from both sides to live in peace with one another, and if it is equally the will of both sides. Unfortunately, a one state solution represents for some the ethnic cleansing of one side or the other, and ethnic cleansing must always be completely opposed. Both sides would have to mutually agree to live in a democracy, despite the years of war and animosity, with one person, one vote, and with the complete cessation of hatred, incitement and violence. It would take a Nelson Mandela type leader to create the atmosphere for this possibility, and unfortunately such a person is absent. Most importantly, both sides would have to agree, and not see a one state solution as an opportunity to continue to be at each other's throat. The hatred and years of conflict make this possibility less doable than a two state solution. Option three, the status qua. This option is already eroding values, and has only proven to be the recipe for endless violence. Decent people, not those filled with pathological hate, do not want the cycle of violence to continue endlessly, even if they completely favor one side or the other. We can go on endlessly about who has more right to the land, who was there first, which side must leave, which side is more right or wrong, and it will accomplish nothing but prolong the bloodshed. Both sides have their biases about the causes of the conflict. Getting mired into who is to blame accomplishes nothing and also only prolongs the bloodshed. This conflict requires painful compromises on both sides, and for both sides to start seeing each other as human beings first. Violence has resulted in nothing but the loss of lives and the crippling and maiming of many. Even if someone is 100 per cent pro Israel, or 100 per cent pro Palestinian, if the person is a half way decent human being, it is impossible not to see the futility and misery in hate and war. The best way to end this conflict is to separate the two sides as much as is possible, and go with option one, the two state solution.
The Phony Modesty Of Some Islamists
Some Islamists want women to wear a tent over their bodies in the name of modesty, but do not have any hesitation in raping young girls and women of a different faith.
Why There Is Genocide In Darfur, Why Israel Must Be Destroyed, Why The Kurds Cannot Have A State, Why Gaza Cannot Advance, Why Yazidis Are Mass Murdered And Raped, Why Middle East Christians Are Being Ethnically Cleansed
It does not matter that the indigenous black population of the large Darfur region of Sudan are Muslim. They are not Arab, and so the Arab Muslim rulers of Sudan have mass murdered, mass raped, mass destroyed this indigenous population. Expect no word of outcry from black Muslims in the United States, or from the Arab world, that is quick to condemn any actions by the United States and especially Israel, but is completely silent about the genocide in Darfur. Do not expect any outcry from the hypocritical west. Do not expect an outcry from Egypt, which expelled its Jewish population and sent them fleeing to Israel, and where many want Israel cleared of Jews so that only Arab Palestinians can have a state. Do not expect an outcry from Algeria, which denied its Jewish population citizenship when it became a state, and then expelled them, and now wants them cleared out of Israel to make room for Palestinian Arabs. Do not expect Yemen, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Tunisia and other Arab Muslim countries that got rid of their Jewish populations and sent them fleeing to Israel, and that now want the Jews cleared out of Israel to make room for Palestinian Arabs, to give a damn about genocide in Darfur. Do not expect those Palestinian Arabs that want a Jew free Arab Muslim only Palestine (Arabs massacred their Jewish population and cleared them out from the west bank in the 1920's), to ever make peace with Israel, even if Israel tomorrow changed its borders to Tel Aviv alone. Read the public declarations, documents, and the charter of groups like Hamas, which controls the Gaza strip and uses it a base to wage war against Israel, and that has as its goal not a two state solution, but a Jew free Palestine. The Muslim world and their leftist allies and their right wing hate group allies unite behind Gaza, the pretend example of Islamic victim hood, even though Gaza has become a prison of its own making because Islamists have turned it into a military base with their only goal being Jew killing and the creation of yet another dysfunctional, intolerant Islamist state. When the border with Israel was open before, waves of Hamas brainwashed suicide bombers descended upon Israel, gladly blowing themselves up believing killing Jews was their way to paradise. The Egyptian border with Hamas is equally sealed up, but because they are Egyptian doing the sealing, not Israeli, there is no condemnation. Arab Muslim Jew hating and Islamic Jew hating seeks the complete destruction of Israel and the genocide of its people. The phony leftists in the west willingly go along with this hatred, completely unconcerned about it or the glaring Arab Islamic racist genocide called Darfur. If the Kurds were Arab Muslims, they would have their state already. Instead, they fight Islamist ISIS on the ground almost alone, just as they faced Saddam Hussein alone when he unleashed poison gas upon their population during a genocide that will forever tarnish humanity. And now the black Muslims of Darfur, living and hiding in caves, deeply wounded and impoverished, in which hundreds of thousands, if not millions, have already been slaughtered and mass raped by Arab Muslims, are forgotten to the western world because lives do not matter as long as the killing and raping is done by Arab Muslims. In Saudi Arabia, where Jewish tribes used to live until they were wiped out when Islam started, no Jew is allowed to step foot on that soil. Muslims are killing Muslims by the millions in Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan and elsewhere, but because it does not fit into the simple bigoted narrative of Islamic victim hood and Jewish and western oppression, no one cares. The long oppressed Kurds will continue to be denied statehood. The non Muslim religious minorities in the Arab Muslim world, like Yazidis, are being mass raped and murdered, with thousands of their young girls and women now held as sex slaves by the young demented Islamist men of ISIS. Assyrian Christians and other Christians of the middle east are being murdered and driven out from Arab Muslim lands, just as the Jews were driven out decades before. Darfur is a tragic place where concern was shown but for a fleeting moment, and is no longer of interest to the west. Some Muslims in the west and some of their hypocritical allies have everyone hyper attuned to Islamophobia and deflected away from Islamic bigotry, while real persecution, genocide, rape and murder in the Muslim world raises not an eyebrow. The bigotry in the Arab Islamic world demands that Israel be destroyed, the Kurds never get a state, the Yazidis, Christians, and other non Muslims in the middle east and North Africa get raped, murdered, ethnically cleansed, and that the genocide in Darfur against black Muslims continues.
Monday, May 9, 2016
The Kurds Vs. Islamist Rapists
The Kurds just freed a small number of Yazidi women and girls that were taken captive by ISIS Islamists in a prisoner exchange. The Islamist men raped these children and young women, and made them their sex slaves. These hypocrites want Muslim women to wear a tent over their bodies in the name of modesty, but do not hesitate to rape women and children because they belong to a different religion. Most Kurds are Muslims. Kurdish Muslims practice Islam as it should be practiced, extending kindness and tolerance to people of other faiths, and equality for women. One day, if there is justice to be had in this world, the Kurdish people will have their own homeland. One day, if there is any good in this world, the thousands of Yazidi women and children still held captive by the ISIS Islamists, and that are being raped and violated daily, will be freed.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
The Jew Hating, Jew Baiting Cowards Club
Within the relatively small population of Jews in the world, there is enormous religious diversity. A secular Jew, a reform Jew, has as little in common with some types of orthodox Jews as he or she does with a remote Amazonian tribe. Politically, socially, economically, Jews are widely diverse. One Jew was a member of a far right wing Jew hating organization in Hungary until he learned that he was a Jew himself, and it opened his eyes to how weak and narrow minded he had been. Only the weak minded cannot conceive that no two humans are alike. Only the weak minded lump all people together that belong to a religion, race or ethnic group as though they are a monolithic glob incapable of independent thought. And so the weak minded whine on endlessly, as though they are educated scientists, about how Jews think, believe, and act. Jew hatred is a cancer, and it attracts generation after generation of weak, cowardly men and women that need a soft target to hate. Some of these cowards that do not know the meaning of work gain wealth and fame out of making a career of Jew hating and Jew baiting, knowing there are many people too stupid to see in the world the complexities that really are there, and that need a simple answer for everything and an easy target to hate. The last time a Jew hating egomaniac misfit gained the power and wealth these cowards crave, Europe lay in ruins and over 50 million were killed. Now there are nuclear weapons of mass destruction and other weapons of mass destruction. There will be no coming back if cowards have their way and mindless conformity and hate prevails again.
The Seeds For The Next Avoidable Real Estate Crisis
How many people are out there selling houses, condos, properties, when they know little to nothing about what it is they are selling? Athletic shoes sales people are perhaps far more knowledgeable about the far less expensive shoes they are selling. Buy the wrong pair of shoes, and you will not lose your pants. There are steps that allegedly protect the buyer. First, the home inspector. I believe a good handyman, general contractor or carpenter can do a better job, and that if the home inspector is too diligent, and ends up killing real estate deals by over diligence, the home inspector will not receive future referrals from the real estate agent. The next level of alleged protection is from the home appraiser, usually an added expense for those trying to secure a loan. But all a home appraiser does, I believe, is reflect the recent and current trends in the real estate market, which almost anyone can do that merely looking at recent sales, pending sales, and what is presently on the market. And even if the house appraises out, if we go into a recession, whatever it is valued at now will surely be lowered, and untold numbers of people will be underwater again. Then there are the "rehabbed" properties. I believe there should be an inquiry into the "rehab" work of Fannie Mae regarding their rehabbed properties, and if permits were properly drawn and if the work was properly inspected. If rehab work is shoddy or not adequate, untold numbers of people may face a financial disaster up the road. At least loans are more regulated and only qualified people get loans nowadays, is the common refrain. Even this does not mean much, because if we go into a recession and those qualified people lose their jobs, we will be in the same ugly place we were in before in which people owned houses they could not afford. For the individual consumer, find a knowledgeable real estate agent, not a slick sales person. The real estate industry would be far better off for consumers if it moved more towards salaries with commissions, and not straight commissions. If you hire a home inspector, I advise you to find your own and not rely on a realtor. Or find a reputable carpenter, handyman or contractor, and pay them to give you an informal assessment. Regarding appraisals, I think they are at best a reflection of the immediate present, and are not an indicator as to whether an investment is truly sound. If you choose to buy a Fannie Mae property that they advertise has been rehabbed, or for any rehabbed work, be sure the work was properly permitted and inspected.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
College Is For Indoctrination, Not Education
If you want an education, go travel the world and read and study as much as you can. If you want an indoctrination, go to a college or to a university. If the career path you have chosen requires a degree, you have no choice.
Why There Are No Jews In Algeria, Why Israel Is A Homeland For Middle East And North African Jews
In a conversation with an educated Algerian Muslim man in his late thirties, he related his deep animosity towards Israel. I stated that Israel is the only safe place for the Jews and their descendants that originated from the middle east and North Africa, (who are now the majority population of Israel) and that without Israel, those Jews and their descendants would be getting murdered, raped and persecuted, which is the unfortunate fate of middle east Christians, Yazidis, Bahais and other religious minorities of the middle east and North Africa. I said a two state solution is the answer. He stated there can be no Israel, and that only Muslims can rule what is now Israel. When Algeria won its independence from France, Jews were denied citizenship, and were forced out from Algeria. Most went to Israel or France. His answer for why the Jews were driven out- 'They were Zionist spies". "And you know this how?", I asked this man who was not even alive at the time. "You do not want Jews in Algeria; they are not safe living in Arab Muslim countries in the middle east and North Africa, you do not want them living in Israel, and you wonder why the Israelis fight tooth and nail for their small country".
Monday, May 2, 2016
Fannie Mae, How Many "Rehabbed" Properties Have You Sold In Which There Were No Permits And Proper Inspections?
Fannie Mae, how many so called rehab properties have you sold in which no permits were pulled? Were no permits pulled so that corners could be cut? Was it done so that work could be done on the cheap, and you could obtain maximum profit? How many homeowners will be financially burdened by having to redo work they can ill afford and that was not properly done in the first place? And if the work was done properly, as you may allege, then why were permits not pulled which would have allowed for proper inspections? There needs to be a public disclosure for Fannie Mae properties and their practices. Now there is news that some municipalities are monitoring Fannie Mae projects, making them obtain proper permits and undergo proper inspections, well aware of this track record. After the whole housing crisis, how can any of this be allowed?
Philippines, United States, Use Economic leverage To Stop China From Destroying The Scarborough Shoal
If China develops the Scarborough Shoal, a still healthy coral reef system in the South China sea, it will not only be Filipinos that will suffer. China will also suffer. No amount of military bases, airstrips, radar stations, ruining coral reef shoals by developing them, will provide one single fish or shellfish for anyone to eat. China has already been ruining the coral islands and shoals of the south china sea, and now their eyes are focused on the Scarborough shoal, which is near the Philippine island of Luzon, far from China, and which the Philippines considers its territory. Every coral reef that China develops and destroys in the South China Sea means less food and fish for all. It is delusional to put a military above the practical needs to conserve and have a sustainable food source. Humans cannot eat tanks, planes, radar stations, airstrips. We need coral reefs, especially because the coral reefs of the world are dying and being destroyed at an unprecedented rate, and fish populations are crashing. The Philippines want an independent international ruling on the status of the Scarborough shoal, which China states it will disregard. There is only one thing to do, which I do not think the political and business leadership of the Philippines, too mired in greed and corruption, will do. Stop all Chinese commercial activity in the Philippines until this issue is resolved. China has considerable mining interests in the Philippines, considerable trade, a number of huge development projects, all of which should be immediately stopped. Philippines, the United States, must use economic leverage. We all know the United states and the Philippines will not go to war over the Scarborough Shoal, so stop wasting time, money and energy pretending a military escalation will accomplish anything at all. It will not. Developing the Scarborough shoal is an environmental crime that will destroy an invaluable fishery and cause untold harm to untold numbers of people. People need fish, sea food, healthy coral reefs, healthy shoals, healthy coral islands. Philippines, United States, use your substantial economic leverage, not useless military bravado.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
No To BDS On Behalf Of The Jewish Refugees From Arab And Muslim Majority Lands, No To BDS Capitulation To Islamists
When the Turks lost the Ottoman empire after WWI, the middle east was divided up by European powers, namely Great Britain and France, in ways that benefited their interests and not the interests of a number of the indigenous people of the middle east. When the era of colonialism ended, over 99 per cent of the middle east, and almost all of North Africa, were in the hands of Arab Muslims. Kurds, (who are mostly Muslim) the Jews of the middle east and North Africa, middle east Christians, and other religious minorities and ethnic groups were given little or nothing. The majority of Palestine, which included the west bank and what is now Jordan, was made into a kingdom. Because the king is an Arab Muslim, even though most of the population of Jordan are Palestinian Muslim Arabs, there is no demand that Jordan become a Palestinian state. When Jordan controlled the west bank, no one called this occupied territory or demanded that Palestinian Arabs have a state. Not once in fact was there a demand that the west bank and Gaza(Egypt controlled Gaza at the time) become a Palestinian Arab state. When Israel took control over the west bank and Gaza strip after winning the 1967 war, the Arab Muslim nations issued their famous no's- no acceptance, recognition, or negotiation with Israel. The Israeli borders prior to 1967, called the green line, are indefensible. Israel was willing to return the lands it just won in war in 1967 in exchange for peace, but without peace, returning the west bank and Gaza would be suicidal. When Israel became a state in 1948, it was attacked by Arab armies that sought its destruction. Israel won the 1948 war. Arabs that fled from the new found state of Israel were later transformed into a new classification of Arab in order to win the hearts and minds of the west. They became Palestinians, a newly minted unique indigenous population that were not just Arabs, and by defining them as an indigenous population separate from other Arabs, they would better win the hearts and minds of the west. The Arabs that stayed behind in the new found state of Israel now form 20 per cent of the population of the state of Israel, and are citizens with full voting rights. What the world has chosen to ignore is the plight of the Jewish refugees from Arab Muslim majority middle east and North African countries. The Muslim world ethnically cleansed their Jewish populations. Many went fleeing for their lives to the state of Israel, leaving behind all of their possessions. Despite the fiction that is propagated that the population of Israel are all European Jews that invaded the land of Palestinian, the fact is that the majority population of Israelis are the descendants of Jews from the middle east and north Africa. These Jews were ethnically cleansed. Now they live in Israel. Furthermore, Jews have had a continuous presence in what is now Israel and the west bank ( Jews were forced out from the west bank by a series of Arab massacres in the decades prior to the establishment of the state of Israel, and did not return until after 1967). BDS conveniently ignores the fact that the majority population of Israel have nowhere to go but Israel. They will not return to places like Iraq, Yemen,Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran,Egypt, Lebanon,and so many other Muslim majority countries where they will face certain persecution or war. Arab Muslims, by ethnically cleansing their Jews, gave Israel its majority population. Europe, which exterminated most of its Jews, now has admitted millions of Muslim refugees fleeing the wars in Iraq and Syria. Many of the Muslims already living in Europe hate Jews intensely. There are few places anymore for Jews where they can be safe. Rather than keep the conflict between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs alive, fight to resolve it once and for all. This can only be done by a two state solution. If BDS were sincere, they would demand a two state solution, and put the same kind of pressure on Hamas and the Palestinian authority as they do on Israel. They would demand an end to the violence on both sides and insist that both the Israelis and Palestinians live in peace in their own separate countries. There can be Palestinian Arab statehood, but not if it means the destruction of Israel. Regarding the contentious issue of Palestinian refugees and their millions of descendants from 1948, it is impossible that this population flood the small state of Israel, over night turning Israel from a Jewish state into another Arab Islamist state. Israelis know that if they lose their small country, they will suffer the same fate as Yazidis, middle east Christians and other religious minorities of the middle east that suffer persecution. Right now Yazidi girls and young women are being held as sex slaves by Islamists, young Muslim men, that overran the Yazidi's villages and towns, killing the Yazidi men, and taking the young women and female children as sex slave captives. For BDS to ignore or excuse the incredible violence and intolerance emanating from the Islamic world, in which entire peoples are being exterminated and raped, and seek only the economic destruction of the one non Islamic country in all of the middle east and North Africa, is the height of hypocrisy and bigotry. BDS is all about further capitulation to Islamists. On behalf of the millions of Israelis and their descendants that were already ethnically cleansed by Arab Muslims when they were forced to flee their lands where many lived from time immemorial, and that now live free in the one small non Islamic country of the middle east called Israel, just say no.
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