Monday, May 16, 2016

The Arab Muslim Ethnic Cleansing Of Jews- The Rights Of The Expelled Jews From Muslim Lands Must Be Considered In Resolving The Israeli/Palestinian Arab Conflict

Hundreds of thousands of Jews from Arab Muslim majority lands in the middle east and North Africa, and other Muslim majority lands, were ethnically cleansed and forced to flee to Israel. Their descendants now make up the majority population of Israel. The world demands the rights of Palestinians refugees, the descendents of Arabs that fled from Israel when Israel was created, while completely disregarding the Jewish refugees from Arab Muslim lands, which were of a greater number than the Arabs that fled from Israel when it became a state. Israel absorbed its Jewish refugees from Arab Muslim lands that were the victims of ethnic cleansing. Israel is their home. The Arab Muslim world forced out their Jews, forcing them to flee to Israel, and now many in the Islamic world and anti-Israel crowd demand that Israel be destroyed. Many of the Jewish communities from the middle east and north Africa existed long before the rise of Islam. Everything the Jews from the middle east and North Africa owned was taken from them; their property, their lands. Many lost their lives. The rights of the ethnically cleansed Jews from Arab Muslim and Muslim lands cannot continue to be ignored by those truly seeking a just end to this conflict.

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