Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Why There Are No Jews In Algeria, Why Israel Is A Homeland For Middle East And North African Jews

In a conversation with an educated Algerian Muslim man in his late thirties, he related his deep animosity towards Israel. I stated that Israel is the only safe place for the Jews and their descendants that originated from the middle east and North Africa, (who are now the majority population of Israel) and that without Israel, those Jews and their descendants would be getting murdered, raped and persecuted, which is the unfortunate fate of middle east Christians, Yazidis, Bahais and other religious minorities of the middle east and North Africa. I said a two state solution is the answer. He stated there can be no Israel, and that only Muslims can rule what is now Israel. When Algeria won its independence from France, Jews were denied citizenship, and were forced out from Algeria. Most went to Israel or France. His answer for why the Jews were driven out- 'They were Zionist spies". "And you know this how?", I asked this man who was not even alive at the time. "You do not want Jews in Algeria; they are not safe living in Arab Muslim countries in the middle east and North Africa, you do not want them living in Israel, and you wonder why the Israelis fight tooth and nail for their small country".

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