Monday, May 30, 2016

Outrage Regarding The Killing Of A Gorilla At A Zoo- Something Good Can Result

The recent killing of a gorilla at a zoo has sparked outrage. Something good can result if the plight of gorillas in the wild is addressed. Gorillas across their range have been decimated by habitat loss and hunting. Their numbers have declined dramatically. There are two species of gorilla, western and eastern, and at least four subspecies of gorilla. Two subspecies are western gorillas, the western lowland gorilla (the gorilla most commonly seen at zoos), and the cross river gorilla. Two subspecies are eastern gorillas, the mountain gorilla and the eastern lowland gorilla(also called the Grauer's gorilla). Perhaps the mountain gorilla, the source of significant profitable ecotourism, is best protected. The eastern lowland gorilla, found in one part of the Democratic Republic of The Congo (down to less than 4000, decimated by war, hunting, habitat loss), the western lowland gorilla, and the cross river gorilla (cross river gorillas now number less than 300), all continue to be hunted and eaten. All gorillas are threatened by continued habitat loss, human overpopulation, war, diseases that can wipe out vulnerable populations, and other threats. Serious conservation and wildlife protection requires the active involvement of governments, especially conservation minded, non corrupt countries. Not self serving conservation/wildlife organizations that have utterly failed, and are not up the task. They can act as supplements to serious international efforts, but real conservation and wildlife protection must not be left in their hands.

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