Thursday, May 26, 2016

Arab Muslims' Contribution To Israel And The Hypocrites' Guide To Ethnic Cleansing

Arab Muslims helped create the state of Israel that many now want to destroy. By expelling their Jewish populations, and forcing them to flee to Israel,they gave Israel the population it needed to be a healthy, viable state. The descendants of the Jews from Muslim majority lands make up the majority of Israel's population. The ethnic cleansing that occurred in Muslim majority lands against Jews is now taking place against middle east Christians, Yazidis and other non Muslim religious minorities. There were more Jewish refugees from Arab Muslim majority lands that went to Israel than there were Arab refugees that fled from Israel during the time of war when Israel became a state in 1948. The world hypocritically ignores the ethnic cleansing that took place against the Jews and that is now taking place against other middle east and North Africa minorities - the genocide by Arab Muslims against the black Muslims of Darfur, the genocide against Yazidis and Christians and the enslavement of Yazidi girls and young women by Islamists who keep these girls and women as sex slaves, the mass murder in the Muslim world in the raging wars, the murder by Islamists all over the world, whether Shia or Sunni, who worship killing in the name of religion and are slaughtering people by the thousands- as it focuses on the single minded goal of destroying Israel and committing another genocide.

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