Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Jew Hating, Jew Baiting Cowards Club

Within the relatively small population of Jews in the world, there is enormous religious diversity. A secular Jew, a reform Jew, has as little in common with some types of orthodox Jews as he or she does with a remote Amazonian tribe. Politically, socially, economically, Jews are widely diverse. One Jew was a member of a far right wing Jew hating organization in Hungary until he learned that he was a Jew himself, and it opened his eyes to how weak and narrow minded he had been. Only the weak minded cannot conceive that no two humans are alike. Only the weak minded lump all people together that belong to a religion, race or ethnic group as though they are a monolithic glob incapable of independent thought. And so the weak minded whine on endlessly, as though they are educated scientists, about how Jews think, believe, and act. Jew hatred is a cancer, and it attracts generation after generation of weak, cowardly men and women that need a soft target to hate. Some of these cowards that do not know the meaning of work gain wealth and fame out of making a career of Jew hating and Jew baiting, knowing there are many people too stupid to see in the world the complexities that really are there, and that need a simple answer for everything and an easy target to hate. The last time a Jew hating egomaniac misfit gained the power and wealth these cowards crave, Europe lay in ruins and over 50 million were killed. Now there are nuclear weapons of mass destruction and other weapons of mass destruction. There will be no coming back if cowards have their way and mindless conformity and hate prevails again.

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