Monday, May 9, 2016

The Kurds Vs. Islamist Rapists

The Kurds just freed a small number of Yazidi women and girls that were taken captive by ISIS Islamists in a prisoner exchange. The Islamist men raped these children and young women, and made them their sex slaves. These hypocrites want Muslim women to wear a tent over their bodies in the name of modesty, but do not hesitate to rape women and children because they belong to a different religion. Most Kurds are Muslims. Kurdish Muslims practice Islam as it should be practiced, extending kindness and tolerance to people of other faiths, and equality for women. One day, if there is justice to be had in this world, the Kurdish people will have their own homeland. One day, if there is any good in this world, the thousands of Yazidi women and children still held captive by the ISIS Islamists, and that are being raped and violated daily, will be freed.

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