Hamas, like Islamic jihadists everywhere, never have to worry about such things as climate change, environmental disaster, garbage cleanup, reducing poverty, creating jobs, living productive lives where women and children and people different than themselves are respected. All they have to worry about is killing and fueling their self serving hatred, which liberates them and their apologists from human responsibility and decency.
And so there will be no end to the wars that they want.
This blog originated as a futile effort to expose ineffective and harmful programs and practices as it pertains to animal cruelty, dog fighting, animal welfare, wildlife protection and conservation. A number of nonprofit organizations, individuals and others profit handsomely from their exploitation of voiceless populations.
Monday, October 23, 2017
The EPA, Or IPA, Climate Change And Environmental Policy
The EPA, now the IPA (Industry Protection Agency), does not want IPA scientists to present their findings regarding climate change. Denying climate change allows for nothing to change. Development and industry can proceed as usual, and we can all wish away environmental catastrophe, increased cancer rates, collapsed biodiversity, and a degraded environment. This allows the live experiment to continue of turning the ocean into a plasticized (and other oil based material) garbage pit, the air into a contaminated mess that causes the death of millions, and for insect, bird and other essential for life populations to continue to collapse.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Israeli/Arab Conflict - Only Moderation Offers Hope
If moderation and tolerance prevails, there is hope. Extremism and hate make nothing possible except war and killing.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
The Normans, Jews And Hamas, And Pretending To Care About Child Casualties Of War
When the leader of Hamas carries out his effort to wipe Israel off the map, the Normans will emerge from the woodwork, appearing on every Israel bashing network to talk about how the Jews are killing Palestinian children. The Normans have made careers pandering to jihadists. The Normans that are Jewish born believe that gives them a special authority about Jews or Israel even though though they despise Jews.
The Normans bear responsibility for civilian deaths. They infantilize Arab jihadists. They free them of any responsibility for causing civilian deaths by not only waging war, but by waging war from densely populated areas, hiding amongst civilian populations and using civilians as shields. The Normans even encourage jihadists to wage war and terror, and then pretend to be appalled by civilian casualties when the other side responds.
The Normans use child casualties to disguise their deep and pathological hatred for Jews.
Jihadists love war and killing. That is what they live for. Even if there was no Israel, or when Israel is not involved in any way, the jihadists fight and kill. Marawi, where Islamic jihadists have destroyed a city and waged war that has killed children and other civilians, is of no concern to the Normans of the world because if Jews are not involved, human life does not matter to them.
Hamas Leader Wants For Gaza What Islamic Jihadists Gave To Marawi
The leader of Hamas, determined to pass on his hate and love of killing to the next generation, spoke at a youth gathering. He declared his determination to wipe Israel off the map. He bragged about how Gaza gets militarily stronger by the day. Bragging, while each day Hamas drags Gaza deeper into poverty. Garbage gathers on the shores of the Mediterranean, as Hamas wages war preparations and tunnel building, but is incapable of cleaning up garbage.
If the Gazan Arab Islamic jihadists go all out with their war plans, Gaza will become like Marawi, where Islamic jihadists hid amongst civilians, built tunnels and used civilians as shields. After thousands of lives taken and ruined, with billions of dollars worth of damage, what did the Islamists of Marawi gain? This is what the Hamas leader filled with his hate and selfishness wants to give to Gaza.
If the Gazan Arab Islamic jihadists go all out with their war plans, Gaza will become like Marawi, where Islamic jihadists hid amongst civilians, built tunnels and used civilians as shields. After thousands of lives taken and ruined, with billions of dollars worth of damage, what did the Islamists of Marawi gain? This is what the Hamas leader filled with his hate and selfishness wants to give to Gaza.
Hamas Needs Jews
Hamas and other jihadists need Jews more than their expressed desire to kill Jews (a desire supported by Jew hating weaklings in the west on the right and left and among the Christians that want to worship Jesus but deny Jesus's Judaism and that of Peter, Paul, Jesus's mother Mary, and that of all the early Christians). Without Jews, how else can Hamas and other Islamic jihadists explain their miserable failures? Weak people thrive on hatred and anger.
Friday, October 20, 2017
The World Would do Better With Less Religion
The world would do a whole lot better with less religion and more faith and kindness. They are not one and the same. Religion is too often a business, with pampered elitists dictating how people should think and act, while never wanting to be told how they should think and act. Name one single human being walking the face of this planet that has died, really died, and then returned to life with the certain knowledge of what exists beyond death? No such person exists.
Religion offers the promise of something better beyond, and often this promise enables religion to be a mind numbing force for conformity that keeps priestly, pampered people and other elitists in power - people that worship money or power the same as others that worship money and power. Meanwhile, the earth is being destroyed while people mistakenly believe this world does not matter, and that only what comes after this life matters.
Religion offers the promise of something better beyond, and often this promise enables religion to be a mind numbing force for conformity that keeps priestly, pampered people and other elitists in power - people that worship money or power the same as others that worship money and power. Meanwhile, the earth is being destroyed while people mistakenly believe this world does not matter, and that only what comes after this life matters.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
California Regulates Who Can Sell Pets, Empowering Animal Hoarders And Exploiters
California passed a law making it mandatory that people that buy dogs, cats and other animals from pet stores must buy pets that only animal organizations provide. The excuse given to provide this unprecedented power to animal organizations is that it a way of stopping puppy mills. Puppy mills could have been stopped simply by licensing and regulating those that breed animals. By assuming that only animal organizations look out for the interests of animals is completely untrue. A number of animal organizations have a long history of exploiting and manipulating animal cruelty and dog fighting for their own gain, which is discussed extensively in previous blogs. A number of animal organizations and their falsely stated no kill movement are sanctuary for animal hoarders and abusers that keep animals in conditions no better, and at times far worse, than the puppy mills. Framing the conversation in terms of well meaning animal organizations versus puppy mills is simply misleading.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Crybabies Are Drawn To Racism And Hate
Working a real job and constructing a productive life is too much for crybabies. It is easier to have a target to hate. It is easier to be proud of something that is absolutely not an accomplishment - the pigmentation of one's skin.
Monday, October 16, 2017
The Trump Undoing Of Obama
Trump is determined to undo whatever Obama did. This will make sense if undoing one thing to create something better is the result. So far, there is only the undoing, with nothing better offered.
Plasticized World And New Stock Market Highs
Every day humans continue their massive effort, deliberate or not, to turn the oceans into a toxic stew of plastics and other oil based non biodegradable garbage. Everyday more species, rain forests, coral reefs, mangroves and other important habitats are lost. Instead of fighting the most important war humans can ever fight - the fight to save the planet on which they depend- people would rather fight and kill each other.
The stock market reaches new highs, while the health of the planet - the real wealth - continues to deteriorate.
The stock market reaches new highs, while the health of the planet - the real wealth - continues to deteriorate.
It's Easier To Deny Climate Change Than Change
Dismissing any relation between human activity and climate change allows business to continue as usual. No one has to change anything, and over development and destruction can continue.
Lowering Taxes While Spending Billions Because Of Natural Disasters
Whether the federal government likes it or not, it is forced to spend billions, even trillions of dollars on natural disaster emergencies. Nonetheless, the mantra of limited government and reduced taxes remains the same, and as that goal is pursued, money will be printed to make up for the deficit.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Jamie Dimon, And The Delusional World Of Overpaid CEO's
Jamie Dimon has declared that the U.S. consumer is healthy and wage growth is solid. The only real and massively excessive wage growth in the United states is for ceos and others at the top. A shrinking middle and working class are not what Dimon sees. Most manufacturing, once the backbone of a strong American middle class, has been transferred overseas in one of the most massive wealth transfers ever known. And for no reason other than to obtain cheap labor in places with low environmental and safety standards. Meanwhile, the hard, difficult low wage jobs in the states that Americans do not want to do, and that honest, hard working illegal immigrants are more than willing to do, have become even more difficult. Chase away all the illegal immigrants, and the United States is still left with low wage jobs that few Americans are willing to do. Jobs that will not return Americans to the middle class. Meanwhile, overpaid ceos and others at the top reap all benefits and rewards, and are about to receive a new gift courtesy of Trump - lower taxes. Not to worry though, because the shortfall will be made up by the conservative and liberal way - printing more money.
Trump Tax Reform - Ensuring The Rich Are Not Inconvenienced
Millions of working and middle class Americans rushed to embrace Trump, certain that his circle of billionaires and millionaires were looking out for their interests. If people could ignore the noise of the culture wars that politicians try to ignite, and which politicians can do nothing about, and focus instead on the class wars that politicians do something about, perhaps then they will vote out of their own economic self interest. The much promised tax reform that Trump most certainly did not write, and probably never read, will benefit the same group of people that American politicians have been pandering to for decades - the rich. Regarding the estate tax, where the super rich can pass on their estates without paying taxes, it is another way to continue America's slide into oligarchy.
It appears to be more important to have deficit spending than to have the pampered wealthy pay more taxes. And so, the Trump tax reform will continue the unproud tradition of ensuring America is a land for the rich ruled by the rich.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Climate Change Deflection And Wealth Redistribution
Every time there is a discussion about climate change, the interests that want nothing changed say the same tired lines that climate change is nothing but a hoax used in order to redistribute wealth. Many people buy into this deflection.
Wealth has already been redistributed. Much of America's manufacturing base was given to the Chinese and others in order to take advantage of underpaid laborers or slave laborers. Tax and other policies have long favored the wealthy, improving their already enriched lot in life while decreasing the wealth of working and middle class people.
Climate change is not about wealth redistribution. Climate change is about one of a number of deadly ways in which humans impact the planet.
Wealth has already been redistributed. Much of America's manufacturing base was given to the Chinese and others in order to take advantage of underpaid laborers or slave laborers. Tax and other policies have long favored the wealthy, improving their already enriched lot in life while decreasing the wealth of working and middle class people.
Climate change is not about wealth redistribution. Climate change is about one of a number of deadly ways in which humans impact the planet.
Scott Pruitt And Trump's EPA, Now The IPA
The EPA headed by Scott Pruitt, has become the IPA, the protection agency for special industrial interests. They believe there is no consequence from the burning of fossil fuels. They believe there is an unlimited capacity for the world to absorb all the garbage humans throw its way. The tradition of never thinking beyond the present remains alive and well. For those that are young, what will it be like to grow old in a world filled with plastic contaminated oceans, few healthy coral reefs, few healthy rainforests, and far less biodiversity? What will it be like to live in a polluted, contaminated, overpopulated world that is beyond repair?
The Rich And Privileged And Misery
The world faces terrible problems, and in it there is great suffering. The people with the greatest capacity to change things for the better too often squander the opportunity in order to pursue their own selfish desires. Those with the power, money and ability to enact change have the least incentive to change anything. Their privileged lives, their world of abundance, their pursuit of their own pleasures, allows them the luxury of never waking up to reality.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Tribes That Do Not Destroy The Land Or Shove Religion Down The Throats Of Others
Somewhere in the Amazon there are still a few tribes left that live in harmony with the land instead of destroying it. Somewhere in the Amazon there are people living with religious beliefs that they do not shove down the throats of others. Somewhere in the Amazon there are no religions that originated in the middle east and that aggressively spread throughout the world by sword, by slavery, by crushing domination. Somewhere in the Amazon there are people that live as equals without a few having in their possession everything while the rest live in crushing poverty. Somewhere in the Amazon there are people that do not destroy the land upon which they depend, that do not destroy each other in the name of religion, that do not give to a few everything and crumbs to everyone else. Outside of the Amazon, except for in a few other remote corners of the world, is a civilization built on greed, on destruction, and on the myth of its own superiority, religious and otherwise.
Trump And The Worship Of Money
The slavish devotion to money, and the worship of people with money, has led to the presidency of a man that in no way would be president if he was not rich. If he was a teacher, a bus driver, an average working class or middle class person, he never would have been taken seriously. Too often people give preferential treatment to those that have money. Too often those that have money believe in their own superiority.
Conservative Hypocrisy, Guns And Mass Murder
Every time there is a mass murder and people question guns, the tried and true response is that it is not the time to politicize the matter, and that it is only time for mourning. It is interesting how conservatives that want minimal intrusion by others when it does not suit their purpose, and maximum intrusion by government when it does, are quick to tell people how they should think. Whenever there is a tragedy, it is right to question how to prevent the next one. Nothing should be off the table.
Natural Disasters And The Myth Of Lowered Taxes
The United States has been hammered by hurricanes. Politicians want to lower taxes. (That is all amoral wall street wants to hear.) Nobody thinks about the high costs of natural disasters, and how the government is forced to spend money whether it likes it or not. The money printing presses keep rolling and deficit spending continues. Spending money that the government does not have and then lowering taxes may seem like tax decreases, but they are taxes placed on the future.
The Rights Of Murderers And The Right To Bear Arms
Shortly after the recent massacre in Las Vegas by a lone murderer, an expert commented that with the high death toll and number of people wounded, the shooter had to have had a military or police background. The kinds of weapons and ammunition easily available in the United States makes it easy for anyone bent on murder to exact a high death toll. A lunatic bent on murder can simply spray a crowd with bullets, as this evil man did, with minimal to no training needed.
The fundamental responsibility of a government to protect its people from physical violence supersedes the loose interpretation of the second amendment that allows for evil people bent on murder to get their hands on weapons they never should be touching.
The deflection that people with guns that murder is a mental health issue that has nothing to do with virtually unrestricted access to weapons is the easy way out. And since when did politicians care about mental health, except when it is their excuse not to address gun violence?
The argument that cars and knives or something else can be used as weapons to kill and therefore murderous people are the problem, not guns, fails to address a simple equation. The more murderous the weapon in the hands of a murderer, the greater the kill capacity. Cars can be used for murder, but that is not what they are designed for. Guns, on the other hand, have a very distinct purpose. The more powerful the weapon, the greater the ability to kill.
The right to bear arms does not mean what it has become - making it easy for evil people to murder.
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