Thursday, October 12, 2017

Jamie Dimon, And The Delusional World Of Overpaid CEO's

     Jamie Dimon has declared that the U.S. consumer is healthy and wage growth is solid. The only real and massively excessive wage growth in the United states is for ceos and others at the top. A shrinking middle and working class are not what Dimon sees. Most manufacturing, once the backbone of a strong American middle class, has been transferred overseas in one of the most massive wealth transfers ever known. And for no reason other than to obtain cheap labor in places with low environmental and safety standards. Meanwhile, the hard, difficult low wage jobs in the states that Americans do not want to do, and that honest, hard working illegal immigrants are more than willing to do, have become even more difficult. Chase away all the illegal immigrants, and the United States is still left with low wage jobs that few Americans are willing to do. Jobs that will not return Americans to the middle class. Meanwhile, overpaid ceos and others at the top reap all benefits and rewards, and are about to receive a new gift courtesy of Trump - lower taxes. Not to worry though, because the shortfall will be made up by the conservative and liberal way - printing more money.

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