Friday, October 20, 2017

The World Would do Better With Less Religion

   The world would do a whole lot better with less religion and more faith and kindness. They are not one and the same. Religion is too often a business, with pampered elitists dictating how people should think and act, while never wanting to be told how they should think and act. Name one single human being walking the face of this planet that has died, really died, and then returned to life with the certain knowledge of what exists beyond death? No such person exists.
    Religion offers the promise of something better beyond, and often this promise enables religion to be a mind numbing force for conformity that keeps priestly, pampered people and other elitists in power - people that worship money or power the same as others that worship money and power. Meanwhile, the earth is being destroyed while people mistakenly believe this world does not matter, and that only what comes after this life matters.

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