Saturday, October 21, 2017

Hamas Leader Wants For Gaza What Islamic Jihadists Gave To Marawi

     The leader of Hamas, determined to pass on his hate and love of killing to the next generation, spoke at a youth gathering. He declared his determination to wipe Israel off the map. He bragged about how Gaza gets militarily stronger by the day. Bragging, while each day Hamas drags Gaza deeper into poverty. Garbage gathers on the shores of the Mediterranean, as Hamas wages war preparations and tunnel building, but is incapable of cleaning up garbage.
       If the Gazan Arab Islamic jihadists go all out with their war plans, Gaza will become like Marawi, where Islamic jihadists hid amongst civilians, built tunnels and used civilians as shields. After thousands of lives taken and ruined, with billions of dollars worth of damage, what did the Islamists of Marawi gain? This is what the Hamas leader filled with his hate and selfishness wants to give to Gaza.

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