Thursday, October 19, 2017

California Regulates Who Can Sell Pets, Empowering Animal Hoarders And Exploiters

     California passed a law making it mandatory that people that buy dogs, cats and other animals from pet stores must buy pets that only animal organizations provide. The excuse given to provide this unprecedented power to animal organizations is that it a way of stopping puppy mills. Puppy mills could have been stopped simply by licensing and regulating those that breed animals. By assuming that only animal organizations look out for the interests of animals is completely untrue. A number of animal organizations have a long history of exploiting and manipulating animal cruelty and dog fighting for their own gain, which is discussed extensively in previous blogs. A number of animal organizations and their falsely stated no kill movement are sanctuary for animal hoarders and abusers that keep animals in conditions no better, and at times far worse, than the puppy mills. Framing the conversation in terms of well meaning animal organizations versus puppy mills is simply misleading.

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