Sunday, October 8, 2017

Tribes That Do Not Destroy The Land Or Shove Religion Down The Throats Of Others

     Somewhere in the Amazon there are still a few tribes left that live in harmony with the land instead of destroying it. Somewhere in the Amazon there are people living with religious beliefs that they do not shove down the throats of others. Somewhere in the Amazon there are no religions that originated in the middle east and that aggressively spread throughout the world by sword, by slavery, by crushing domination. Somewhere in the Amazon there are people that live as equals without a few having in their possession everything while the rest live in crushing poverty.  Somewhere in the Amazon there are people that do not destroy the land upon which they depend, that do not destroy each other in the name of religion, that do not give to a few everything and crumbs to everyone else. Outside of the Amazon, except for in a few other remote corners of the world, is a civilization built on greed, on destruction, and on the myth of its own superiority, religious and otherwise.

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