Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Rights Of Murderers And The Right To Bear Arms

     Shortly after the recent massacre in Las Vegas by a lone murderer, an expert commented that with the high death toll and number of people wounded, the shooter had to have had a military or police background. The kinds of weapons and ammunition easily available in the United States makes it easy for anyone bent on murder to exact a high death toll. A lunatic bent on murder can simply spray a crowd with bullets, as this evil man did, with minimal to no training needed.
      The fundamental responsibility of a government to protect its people from physical violence supersedes the loose interpretation of the second amendment that allows for evil people bent on murder to get their hands on weapons they never should be touching. 
      The deflection that people with guns that murder is a mental health issue that has nothing to do with virtually unrestricted access to weapons is the easy way out. And since when did politicians care about mental health, except when it is their excuse not to address gun violence? 
      The argument that cars and knives or something else can be used as weapons to kill and therefore murderous people are the problem, not guns, fails to address a simple equation. The more murderous the weapon in the hands of a murderer, the greater the kill capacity. Cars can be used for murder, but that is not what they are designed for. Guns, on the other hand, have a very distinct purpose. The more powerful the weapon, the greater the ability to kill. 
       The right to bear arms does not mean what it has become - making it easy for evil people to murder.

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