Thursday, November 9, 2017

Elephants Set On Fire Photo

     The sad photo of a young elephant set on fire chasing after her partially on fire mother has drawn a great deal of attention. Some people have responded with anger at the photographer, or the magazine that published the photo. What action they imagine the photographer could have taken is beyond comprehension. Elephants can easily kill human beings, and these tormented elephants were already highly stressed. Regarding the magazine that published the photograph, it is good they highlighted the terrible plight elephants and other wildlife are in. Too many animal lovers and animal organizations are utterly useless when it comes to animal welfare and stopping cruelty. Their interests do not extend beyond what makes them feel good, or in exploiting the suffering of animals to raise money, advance careers or further personal agendas. Animal cruelty is far more extensive, and far more gruesome than most people realize.
       Someone noted, it is hell on earth for these elephants. An exploding human population leaves little room for wildlife. All over the world, wildlife suffers from the enormous loss of habitat and habitat fragmentation. An exploding human population, a topic money seeking conservation organizations shy away from and which is a main driver of habitat loss, ensures the plight of elephants and other wildlife will not lessen.
        In the decades to come, when the human population exceeds 9 billion, there will be little left of wildlife, especially large animals. Already the populations of many species have dramatically declined.
        If there is any hope, there must be a concerted, worldwide effort to preserve and protect critical habitat.

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