Sunday, November 5, 2017

Religion; Action Over Belief

      Religion is only good if it leads people to be more compassionate, more caring, braver and kinder. Far too many people believe that if they worship Jesus, Allah or God or something else, little else is required. If God, Jesus, Allah or something else wanted only blind loyalty, then why did God not turn people into mindless slaves? People have free will to choose to be better people, including how they treat not only their friends, but also their enemies. Far too many people believe that by being a mindless slave for God, they can act as God, choosing who to murder, who to harm, who to abuse. Humans are not God, and have no right to act as if they are.
      Who cares what someone believes if they are a rotten person full of hate, selfishness and ill intent? What matters is character, not what someone was indoctrinated to believe. People that insist only their religion is correct ignore that the world is a large place where people from different places and cultures follow paths that are no less true or valid. The pursuit of religious monopolies have caused enormous bloodshed. What matters far more than what one believes is how one acts.

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