Saturday, November 11, 2017

The South China Sea Is Dying

     The populations of China, Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore and other countries that rely on the South China Sea are going up, not down. The wholesale destruction of the South China Sea ensures it will not be a food source for these growing populations. It will be another once thriving, biologically rich resource that humans destroyed.
      The South China Sea is being dredged. Its coral reefs, atolls and coral reef islands are being destroyed in order to create military bases. Protected by the militarization, wholesale poaching and further destruction of coral is occurring. Every sea turtle, giant clam, shark, manta ray and more are being pulled from the ocean, guarenting another human created dead zone.
      Thriving colorful coral reefs have been turned into dead zones littered with the skeletons of dead coral. 
      Asian countries are meeting. They will discuss business as usual. Trade, commerce, everything other than protecting their most important marine resource.
      How much money has been paid to win the silence of one nation in particular that is unwilling to fight for its fishermen, its fish, its future?

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