In the search for alternative energy, wind turbines and solar plants are looked at as godsends. There is a need for these fossil fuel alternatives, but it has to be thought out. Areas where there are rare species of birds and bats or that are in migratory flight paths must be avoided. There is enough research and science to point these fossil fuel alternatives in the right direction. But who will advocate for wind turbines and solar facilities to be placed in the least damaging to wildlife places, and fight to stop projects that are wrongly placed?
A number of bat, bird, wildlife and conservation organizations would not lift a finger to do anything as a rainforest was destroyed in order to build a wind turbine and solar facility. The rainforest was habitat for rare species of bats, parrots, raptors and other wildlife.
Bat, bird, wildlife, conservation, animal welfare organizations are businesses. They do not stick their necks out unless there is something in it for them.
Maybe some smart young person, not yet corrupted by life, will make it a mission to ensure alternative energy projects are constructed in the least damaging locations. Meanwhile, wind turbines and solar facilities will continue to kill bats and birds by the millions worldwide.
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