Thursday, November 16, 2017

Hunting Elephants, Dogfighting And The Animal Organization That Gains

       The blogging from the president of one of the wealthiest animal organizations in the world about the Trump administration's decision regarding elephant hunting falsely gives the impression that this organization and its president will actually do something for elephants.
       They will do the same thing for elephants that they do for dog fighting and animal cruelty- ride the wave of public sentiment, take in a fortune, and accomplish nothing. They exploit these issues for their own gain, which is unfortunately fine with their unquestioning donor base.
        If only there was a tiny amount of scrutiny regarding the programs and efficacy of these organizations. For those of us that witnessed first hand their exploitation, their greed, their shameful exploitation of animal suffering and the plight of animals, domestic and wildlife, we can only lower our heads in disgust knowing that animals have few if any true defenders.

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