No matter the news, no matter how incompetent, corrupt, ruthless and worthless is the leadership of the world, the only important measure of wealth the world considers, the stock market, keeps going up. The lessons of the stock market are clear. Real labor is devalued. Speculators get rewarded.
Imagine if the trillions of dollars poured into the stock markets were used for a more useful purpose. Like cleaning up a contaminated, trashed earth, which in and of itself would employ millions.
But higher stock prices create jobs, they argue. No, they create some jobs, but not many. Not nearly as much as what such massive amounts of money and resources would create if used differently. At some point, the cheap money and "all that matters is the market" bubble will burst. The people that will again lose their shirts- and it will not be the big players- may or may not recover depending on their age.
If nuclear weapons are unleashed, the companies related to radiation protection and nuclear bomb making will go up. It does not matter what happens in the real world anymore. The stock market exists in its own reality that governments and movers and shakers around the world nurture and protect. They do not protect their oceans, rivers, lakes or lands, or even their own people in many instances. The stock market, that artificial measure of wealth and not the real health of the planet, is worshiped, studied, analyzed and treated like a God.
For individuals, since this has become the only game in town, and since saving money in a bank has become a form of punishment, the aforementioned is not financial.advice. Warren Buffett advises people to put money in broad based low cost index funds. Even loud mouth Jim, who has recklessly caused many to lose money, follows this bandwagon in advice he now gives, contrary to the destructive advice he gave in the past. But he still wants people to follow his mad money ride that keeps his ratings high with some portion of their money.
It is unfortunate that in a world so highly degraded and troubled, the stock market is the beast that gets fed, worshipped, studied and picked apart from every angle. Outside of that center of power and money, in the real world, poverty, fanaticism and environmental degradation accelerate.
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