Thursday, March 15, 2018

Bad Presidents And A Compromised Trump

     George Bush was an incompetent president that foolishly rushed into wars. Obama was an opportunist whose lack of conviction and whose concern for political expediency led to the unwise, untimely pullout from Iraq. He set red lines that meant nothing. What Bush started, and what Obama then mismanaged and failed to act upon, led to the genocide of the Yazidis, Middle East Christians and others.
      We do not yet know all that we have with Trump. But there are troubling red flags. Why is Trump incapable of criticism of Russia? The nerve agent attack in Great Britain, which Tillerson criticized Russia for, might be the reason Trump fired him via Twitter. (What competent person fires someone by Twitter?)
        Stormy Daniels was paid 130,000 dollars to keep her quiet. If Trump acted that way with Stormy Daniels, and there is reason to believe that he did -  his lawyer would not just hand a porn star 130000 dollars for nothing - then it is reasonable to assume that Trump acted in a like minded way in Moscow when he was there for the Miss Universe pageant he sponsored. Putin's Russia makes sure that prominent people that compromise themselves are caught on tape.

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