Friday, March 2, 2018

Russia Embraces Nuclear Nightmare And Oceans' Demise

       Environmental degradation presents an enormous threat to human existence. The thousands of tons of plastics and other non biodegradable waste that enters (and poisons) the oceans daily should be enough to inspire a serious response. Instead, the destruction of the oceans in a multiplicity of ways remains out of sight, out of mind, eliciting no serious response.
       So is it unusual that Putin announces new and expensive advances in nuclear weapons of mass killing and destruction, and the people in the audience and elsewhere clap enthusiastically? Will the pretend leftists and progressives at RT television raise a voice? 
       No, they will not. The nuclear ante has been raised, and despite all the lessons of the cold war and the dark cloud that hung over all of humanity, the whole thing is set to start again.
       If only the time and energy was spent cleaning up the oceans and ensuring mankind's future, instead of wasting it on new ways to obliterate everything.
       The people that want the nuclear weapons nightmare kept alive are quick to blame the other side. To strengthen, and not pull back from the nuclear nightmare, is pure folly.

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