Friday, March 2, 2018

Polish Heroes, Polish Jews, And Whitewashing History

     There were Polish people that sacrificed their lives and took great risks to protect Polish Jews during the holocaust. These brave and honorable people must always be honored.
     Whitewashing the actions of Poles that actively helped the Nazis kill Jews, or that gleefully killed Jews on their own initiative do no honor to the true heroes.
     The horrific Nazi occupation of Poland and elsewhere in Europe does not excuse the actions of those that murdered Jews on their own initiative, or that were collaborators in the Nazi genocide. There is a long history of antisemitism in Poland and in much of Europe that continues to this day. The vitriolic reaction by many to the wish to not whitewash history is filled with old and ugly hatreds and stereotypes.
      Antisemitism remains alive and well. It is easier for people to have a scapegoat to hate and have as a crutch than to stand on their own two feet like strong men and women.

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