Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Elon Musk, Artificial Intelligence (A1), Nukes, Poisoned Oceans

      The head of Tesla Corporation, Elon Musk, said, "AI is far more dangerous than nukes. Far."
      Artificial intelligence is not anywhere near a threat to humanity as are nuclear weapons and environmental degradation. Furthermore, if people do not alter their conduct, the time will never arise in which human beings are capable of creating an intelligence capable of turning against humanity.
       If only the rich and powerful elites of this world devoted their time, resources and energy into stopping nuclear weapons, one of the greatest threats, and reversing the enormous environmental damage that is killing this planet.
        Plastics, Styrofoam, non biodegradable oil based trash pours into the oceans by thousands of tons daily. This threat alone, a major one in the family of major environmental threats, continues to be ignored and disregarded. It is not possible to continue to contaminate and poison the oceans and still survive as a species.

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