Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Farrakhan- Keeping The Black Man Down

        Hate is a crutch. Trafficking in anti semitism is a tried and true way to win a following and make money. The weak minded Jew hater appears strong in his anger and hatred, which attracts an even larger following of sheep like followers that want to be told they have been victimized, and that there is an evil enemy they can blame. The scapegoat gets blamed for everything, and is used as cover for the weak man's own shortcomings, flaws and weaknesses.
        Strong men and women stand on their own two feet and do not rely on the crutch of hate. But these people are uncommon.
        The Farrakhan's are a dime a dozen on this planet. Hate filled weak minded people that need a scapegoat. And what better scapegoat to have than the oldest one in history- the Jew. Rather than becoming self reliant and responsible, having a scapegoat makes people weak and dependant.
        In Chicago, the center of the Nation of Islam, the Farrakhan message of hatred, scapegoating, victimhood and endless blaming feeds off of despair. It did not make Chicago stronger. It does not make the black community prosperous. It does not reduce crime, gangs or violence. It made Farrakhan, his family and his cronies prosperous and rich.
       Weak people love a scapegoat. That love comes at a heavy price. History teaches over and over where hatred leads. But it is too easy, too intoxicating for weak minded people to free themselves of the hate addiction.
        It is too bad that people are afraid to call out racism, anti semitism, and small minded petty bigotry when the person that preaches this childish, destructive nonsense is not white.
       The Farrakhans of the world, white or black, use religion as a cover for their weak minded hatred. They want people to believe that there are dark and powerful forces in this world that only they are capable of standing up to. It makes them look strong to their followers, who want to follow a strongman. They fail to see how weak men of hate are really. They need to create imaginary enemies that only they appear strong enough to stand up against. The stronger they appear, the more people will mindlessly follow.Their hatred ensures serious problems like deep seated poverty and the environmental degradation that imperils all of humanity will never be addressed.
       Their ego demands the worship and adulation of others. Bashing the Jew, the world's oldest scapegoat, is the easiest way to be worshipped and followed, no matter how many times history has taught where hatred leads.
       Unlike what they preach, the God or Allah they claim to worship is not a petty, small minded hate filled bigot like them.
       Education, respect for others, courtesy, kindness, courage, bravery -the old boy scout creed -is the path to self reliance, advancement, improvement and success. Not the bigotry of a demagogue in love with himself.

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