Corbyn insisted that the British Labour party is no supporter of Putin. He added, "However, that does not mean we should resign ourselves to a 'new cold war' of escalating arms spending, proxy conflicts across the globe and a McCarthyite intolerance of dissent."
Putin was just elected for another six year term as Russia's president. Putin recently announced new advances in what mankind needs least - new, improved nuclear weapons. The old weapons already can completely destroy human life and most other life on earth. The new weapons change nothing in what is already known - a nuclear war between Russian and the United States is unwinnable, and everyone loses.
Putin said that if Russia disappears, so will the world. The world is hostage to nuclear weapons and the few men that control the launching codes.
In the passage of time, Putin, like every oligarch, like every dictator, like every single human being, rich or poor, big or small, will be nothing but dust in the wind.
There are things in this world far greater than the political and religious affairs of human beings. It is too bad that strong leadership does not exist that seeks an end to nuclear weapons, a deescalation of conflicts, and that makes a strong effort to reverse mankind's environmental destruction of this planet.
What Corbyn said in regards to how Britain should respond to Putin is exactly what he should be saying to Putin.
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