Saturday, January 27, 2024

Most Effective Way To Remove Plastic Trash, Simple, Unprofitable And Thus Ignored

Scientists warn that plastic trash, microplastics and so forth are a major threat to human health, oceans, wildlife and the environment at large.

Some advise participating in beach cleanups. There is nothing wrong with beach cleanups, but minimalistic feel good interventions do nothing to resolve major issues. 

No serious problem is resolved by volunteerism alone. In many developing countries, where there are enormous amounts of plastic waste and poverty, people need paid work. They cannot afford to be volunteers.

There is one simple approach that can remove far more plastic from the environment than all of the beach cleanups and all of the expensive technological interventions combined, including expensive ships that collect garbage from the ocean itself and that harm marine life in the process. 

Pay people to remove plastic trash from coastlines and elsewhere.

There is massive poverty in the world. Millions of people the world over need constructive work. 

Plastic trash destroying coastlines and other habitats is so enormous and harmful that millions of people can immediately be put to work to start the cleanup process. 

It will require millions of people to effectively do the cleanup, not a small scale project here or there.

Because this approach is simple and unprofitable, there is little to no interest. Altruism too often is about ulterior motives, and simplicity is too easy to understand and implement in order to appeal to arrogant elites with the power to change things.  

Far better waste management the world over is greatly needed. In much of the developing world, there  is the same dependency on plastic as there is in the developed world, without there being any waste management collection or services at all. Decreased dependency on plastic is also needed. 

For plastic trash already destroying coastlines and many other habitats, there is no more effective way for it to be removed than simple, straightforward employed manual labor.

What are we waiting for? For cancer rates to skyrocket even more and for oceans and animal life to collapse? 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Genocide In Darfur Silence

 Why does the mass rape, murder and genocide in Darfur against the black Muslim population by Arab militias continue to be ignored? 

Because Israel is not involved?

Because Arabs, including the Arabs now called Palestinians, can only be seen as victims? 

Because the genocide and slaughter does not fit into simplistic narratives of who can be considered blameworthy against a fictional world of pristine angels? 

Hundreds of thousands of people have already been murdered in the Darfur genocide, and millions of people have been turned into refugees. 

It will not end because the world is silent. No one cares about the loss of human life unless the loss of human life can be used to exploit and promote religious and political agendas. 

Silence is complicity many proclaim, while they are careful and selective regarding what to be vocal about, even when rape, murder, and genocide are involved.

The people of Darfur remain helpless, unprotected and without a voice.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Hamas Is Part Of A Worldwide Genocidal Movement

 Hamas is one arm of a worldwide genocidal movement. It is a movement that believes in the use of terror. It believes in deliberately attacking and terrorizing civilians, from babies to old people, including raping, murdering, kidnapping, beheading, burning people alive, mutilating, torturing and more. All of which it did against defensless civilians on Oct 7.

Hamas wants a Jew free Palestine. The Hamas movement wants complete worldwide domination and submission to their religious beliefs. 

Hamas and all the similiar organizations, people and countries that share the ideology and beliefs of Hamas do not hide their supremacist, rascist, imperialistic, apartheid, genocidal agenda. 

Hamas supporters use the pretense of occupation to justify the occupation and genocide that Hamas seeks. 

Hitler made it clear that he wanted worldwide domination and to exterminate Jews. The world did not listen. Over 70 million people were killed, almost all the Jews of Europe were wiped out, Europe lay in ruins, millions of lives were destroyed, including the millions of survivors that were wounded and traumatized by the time that nightmare ended. 

The nightmare starts with going after the Jew, but it never ends with just the Jew. Once again, because it is the Jew that the Hamas movement wants to destroy for starters, hundreds of millions of people, if not billions the world over, are only too happy to go along. 

The suffering of the civilians of Gaza which Hamas eagerly hides behind and uses as shields, and the suffering of hundreds of millions of civilians, even billions, are also in harms way if this genocidal movement is not stopped. 

Once again it seems that history will be repeated instead of being used as the lesson of what not to repeat.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Left and Progressive Support for The Most Fascist, Jew Hating Force On the Planet

 The left and progressive support of the most powerful reactionary force on the planet makes mockery of their belief that they are an actual progressive force for peace, justice, or anything beneficial. 

The most reactionary force on the planet is a fascist, imperialistic movement that despises Jews and wants the whole world to submit to their religious beliefs. They believe fully that deliberately harming and murdering civilians is completely justified. They believe that raping, harming, murdering, enslaving, kidnapping, beheading, burning alive, mutilating, and torturing civilians are not only not sins and terrible evils, but what God ordains and wants.

The fictional left and progressive alliance are the useful idiots for those that seek to murder Jews and all that oppose their demented, demonic beliefs. These useful idiots provide political cover to the most violent, reactionary force on the planet and help them to expand and grow. 

Because there are far too many people that need a scapegoat, need the Jew to hate, the alliance between religious Jew hating fascists, many other overt Jew haters, so called leftists and progressives and others, ensures endless cycles of violence, war and misery. 

Foolishly it was believed the world would unite to stop the terrible things that threaten human existence, including nuclear weapons and their proliferation, biodiversity collapse, loss of wildlife, destruction of the environment, including destruction of rain forests, other forests, marine habitats, mangroves, coral reefs and more, the poisoning of the environment, including from plastic, forever chemicals and much more, climate change, stopping the mass poverty and terrible wars all over the world that destroy countless lives, ending repressive rule by vicious, cruel and violent religious and political dictators and regimes, but no, instead the world unites around hatred for the Jew and destroying their one small country.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Stop Genocide, Stop Hamas

 Hamas openly declared their desire to destroy Israel and murder Jews. On October 7, they showed the world that when given the opportunity, they act on their genocidal desires. On October 7, they attacked thousands of people in Israel, mostly defenseless civilians, from babies to old people, and proceeded to rape, murder, mutilate, burn alive, behead, kidnap, wound, cut open and mutilate with boxcutters and knives and more. Then they retreated to Gaza, where they hide in their multi billion dollar terror tunnels and use the civilians of Gaza as their human shields. 

The war in Gaza needs to end immediately so that no more civilians are harmed. Hamas cannot be allowed to remain in power. If they remain in power, there will be endless October 7's and no civilians on the Israeli or Gazan side will be safe.

Release the hostages, and in exchange, Israel releases all hamas and islamic Jihad terrorists and gives them free one way tickets to live in one of the many lands, including Qatar, Iran, Turkey, that happily support terrorists as long as the terrorists are trying to kill Jews. 

No genocidal organization can be allowed to have land and a base next to the very people they wish to rape, mutilate and murder. End the genocide. End Hamas.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

King Of Jordan In Rwanda. Genocide, Hamas, Oct 7

The king of Jordan was recently in Rwanda. He spoke about genocide.

 In Rwanda, the prelude to genocide was the dehumanization and demonizing of the Tutsis of Rwanda.

This is no different than what is occurring against Jews and Israelis in particular. 

Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their allies have long declared their genocidal intentions against Jews and Israeli Jews. 

On October 7, they showed the world that when given the opportunity to rape, slaughter, burn alive, behead, kidnap and more, that is exactly what they will do. On that day, Hamas and Islamic Jihad invaded Israel. They attacked thousands of people in Israel, mostly all civilians, from infants to old people. Thousands of defenseless people were murdered, kidnapped and/or wounded, with many having been tortured, raped, mutilated, beheaded and burned alive. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad now hide in their multi billion dollar below ground terror tunnels, using the civilians of Gaza as their human shields. 

Genocidal murderers and rapists must not get a free pass. King of Jordan, if you really care about genocide and the civilians of Gaza, tell genocidal Hamas and Islamic Jihad to surrender, leave Gaza and release all of the hostages. In exchange, Israel can release Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists to go live far away in one of the many countries that support these terrorists, like Iran, Turkey, Qatar and elsewhere. Either offer Jordan as one of the places where these terrorists can go, or let the civilians of Gaza enter into Jordan so that Israel can finish the job and destroy genocidal Hamas and Islamic Jihad and all of their terror tunnels, and no more civilians are harmed in the process. Afterwards, when it is safe, civilians can return. At the very least, speak out against those who deliberately attack and harm civilians and that use civilians as human shields. Hamas and Islamic Jihad are no less bloodthirsty, demonic and deranged than ISIS. Just because it is Jews that Hamas and Islamic Jihad attacked does not mean your voice should be silent if you truly oppose genocide.

A Gaza of the future cannot continue to be a place where children are brainwashed into hating Jews and believing their only obligation in life is to kill Jews. 

In Rwanda, where there was genocide, the Hutus that committed genocide were killed, imprisoned or driven out. They were not allowed to remain free in Rwanda. Genocidal murderers and rapists cannot be allowed to remain in Rwanda, Gaza or free anywhere in the world where they have sanctuary and land from which to launch new attacks.

Ignoring the evil of genocidal organizations and allowing them to remain in power makes all those who support these organizations complicit in their crimes. 

Monday, January 8, 2024

Killing In The Name Of Religion, Nigeria, Oct 7

 People are being murdered because they belong to the wrong religion in the eyes of their murderers. Rather than challenge the many that champion this evil committed in the name of religion and God, some kind of warped political correctness dictates instead that the ideologies and beliefs of the murderers must be protected. 

 Christians in the north of Nigeria are being slaughtered. It is estimated that over 40,000 have already been murdered, and that millions have been turned into refugees. 

There is no shortage of people, organizations and even entire countries that believe their only obligation in this short life that each of us has been granted is to kill those that believe differently. There are no protests when they rape, murder, behead, burn alive, mutilate and kidnap.

It is easier to blame the climate, occupation, or some other reason than face the fact that millions of people worship death and killing, and believe that murdering and raping is God ordained. 


Saturday, January 6, 2024

Nonexistent Rage And Student Protests, Darfur, Myanmar, Oct 7

On  October 7, thousands of civilians in Israel were attacked, from babies to old people.They were raped, murdered, burned alive, beheaded, kidnapped, wounded, mutilated, and more, which millions of people the world over celebrate, defend and support.

When victims are Jews, rape, murder, kidnapping, and atrocities are excused, justified, deflected away, or there is denial and silence. 

If the victims are not Jews, and there is no way to blame the Jew, there is utter silence and few to no one cares. War, rape, murder, mutilation and other atrocities rages in Darfur, where Arab militias are committing crimes against humanity against the black Muslim civilian population of Darfur. Not a voice is raised. Similarly, silence reigns in Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, Ethiopia, Somalia, the Congo region, Ukraine, and many other places where there were, or still are, wars, atrocities, rape, murder and more.

If the Jew is the victim, there is celebration, denial, deflection, excuses and justifications made, or backs turned and silence. 

If the victim is not the Jew, and there is no way to blame the Jew, then there is silence. 

Sorry people of  Darfur, Myanmar and a thousand other places, there will be no voices raised to protest the deaths of your children, your civilians. There is only concern for children and civilians if they can be exploited to fulfill a political or religious objective.


Monday, January 1, 2024

War In Gaza Ends When Genocidal Hamas Ends

Hamas never hid their intention to slaughter Jews. Before Hamas and Islamic Jihad created what some call an open air prison in Gaza, Hamas and Islamic Jihad sent wave after wave of suicide bonbers into Israel. Suicide bombers blew themselves up wherever they could maximize civilian causalties. This included buses, supermarkets, malls, bus stops, restaurants, crowded streets and more. 

Israel responded by building fences and barriers to prevent further suicide attacks from Gaza. 

Meanwhile, Hamas spent billions of dollars on building underground tunnels beneath Gaza in order to wage war and terror. Hamas corrupt leaders made sure to enrich themselves and become multi billionaires and multimillionaires. Above the ground of Gaza, Hamas and Islamic Jihad made sure to leave no protections, such as bomb shelters, for civilians. Hamas and Islamic Jihad openly declared, in their words and in their writings, that they wanted to kill the Jews of Israel and wipe out Israel itself, and that they did not care how many civilians in Gaza had to become martyrs, that is, killed, in order to achieve their demented goals. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad glorify death, martyrdom and murder. They indoctrinated entire generations of children into believing their only purpose in life was to murder Jews. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad said over and over that they worship death while the Jews worship life, and that this was their imagined strength. But in fact, they make sure to hide themselves beneath and behind civilians, including children, so that children and civilians have to be killed in order to get to them. Other Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders live in luxury far away from Gaza in places like Qatar, Iran and elsewhere.

The people that value life, not the ones that worship death and killing, are in fact the brave ones in that they are willing to risk death in order to defend life. Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders glorify death yet do everything they can to protect themselves and live in luxury. 

Gaza was turned into a terrorist indoctrination center, with terrorists building a vast underground terror network, ensuring, with the complicity of the UN, UNRWA and others, that children were brainwashed into the death cult, and that Gaza was a terrorist welfare state.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad made sure to use schools, hospitals, community centers, mosques, and all kinds of civilian structures, as places to store weapons, build tunnels beneath, and to use as places from which to launch missiles. 

Much of the world, not just some of the foolish political leaders of Israel, accepted this evil status quo just to buy some years of not all out war. But waiting only made Hamas and Islamic Jihad stronger and more deadly.

And then, on October 7, the underestimation of Hamas and Islamic Jihad's determination to slaughter Jews and anyone living on the land of Israel showed how flawed was this thinking.

October 7 showed the world the clear line between good and evil. If Hamas and Islamic Jihad entered into Israel, attacked only military targets, did not harm civilians, and treated captured military personal by the rules of the Geneva Convention, most of the world, including Israelis, would want negotiation with Hamas for a better way forward for all. There would not now be war in Gaza.

Instead, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and many others from Gaza on October 7 raped, mutilated, burned alive, kidnapped, murdered, beheaded, tortured, wounded, thousands of people for no other reason than that they were Jews or other people living on the land of Israel. Girls and women were gang raped and mutilated, including having breasts cut off, faces and bodies disfigured with box cutters and other weapons, genital areas mutilated, and much more. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad knew Israel would have to respond to these atrocities. There is not a nation in the world that would not respond. There is not a single military expert in the world, not a single general or anyone else, with an answer as to how to fight terrorists - including Hamas and Islamic Jihad that hide beneath and behind children and other civilians, that use civilians and children as human shields - without there being civilian causalties. 

There is a way to stop the killing of children and civilians in Gaza, There is a way to stop the genocidal ambitions of Hamas who have openly declared they want there to be many more Oct 7 massacres and atrocities. And that is for Hamas and Islamic Jihad to surrender immediately and release the hostages. In exchange for their surrender, which will immediately end the war, one option is for Israel to give Hamas and Islamic Jihad free one way tickets out of Gaza, along with releasing all Hamas and Islamic Jihad prisoners, to join their many terror loving supporters that love rape and murder as long as it is against Jews and not themselves, in Jordan, Qatar, Iran, Turkey, and elsewhere.