Saturday, January 6, 2024

Nonexistent Rage And Student Protests, Darfur, Myanmar, Oct 7

On  October 7, thousands of civilians in Israel were attacked, from babies to old people.They were raped, murdered, burned alive, beheaded, kidnapped, wounded, mutilated, and more, which millions of people the world over celebrate, defend and support.

When victims are Jews, rape, murder, kidnapping, and atrocities are excused, justified, deflected away, or there is denial and silence. 

If the victims are not Jews, and there is no way to blame the Jew, there is utter silence and few to no one cares. War, rape, murder, mutilation and other atrocities rages in Darfur, where Arab militias are committing crimes against humanity against the black Muslim civilian population of Darfur. Not a voice is raised. Similarly, silence reigns in Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, Ethiopia, Somalia, the Congo region, Ukraine, and many other places where there were, or still are, wars, atrocities, rape, murder and more.

If the Jew is the victim, there is celebration, denial, deflection, excuses and justifications made, or backs turned and silence. 

If the victim is not the Jew, and there is no way to blame the Jew, then there is silence. 

Sorry people of  Darfur, Myanmar and a thousand other places, there will be no voices raised to protest the deaths of your children, your civilians. There is only concern for children and civilians if they can be exploited to fulfill a political or religious objective.


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