Monday, January 15, 2024

Stop Genocide, Stop Hamas

 Hamas openly declared their desire to destroy Israel and murder Jews. On October 7, they showed the world that when given the opportunity, they act on their genocidal desires. On October 7, they attacked thousands of people in Israel, mostly defenseless civilians, from babies to old people, and proceeded to rape, murder, mutilate, burn alive, behead, kidnap, wound, cut open and mutilate with boxcutters and knives and more. Then they retreated to Gaza, where they hide in their multi billion dollar terror tunnels and use the civilians of Gaza as their human shields. 

The war in Gaza needs to end immediately so that no more civilians are harmed. Hamas cannot be allowed to remain in power. If they remain in power, there will be endless October 7's and no civilians on the Israeli or Gazan side will be safe.

Release the hostages, and in exchange, Israel releases all hamas and islamic Jihad terrorists and gives them free one way tickets to live in one of the many lands, including Qatar, Iran, Turkey, that happily support terrorists as long as the terrorists are trying to kill Jews. 

No genocidal organization can be allowed to have land and a base next to the very people they wish to rape, mutilate and murder. End the genocide. End Hamas.

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